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Video Game History

  • Tennis for two

    Tennis for two
    In 1958, William Higinbotham created the first game called "Tennis for two". At the time, you could only play it on a oscilloscope. Tennis for two was the start of something incredible.
  • The brown box

    The brown box
    Developers at Sanders Associates developed "The brown box" in 1967. It was the first video game that could be played on a television. The console looked like a old school version of a playstation made out of wood.
  • Odyssey

    In 1972, "Odyssey" was the first video game console that you could play at home. The console included 28 games that you could play. But eventually, over the next few years the console would eventually fizzle and die out.
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    In 1977, Atari released the Atari 2600. The console featured joysticks , and interchangeable game cartridges that played multi-colored games. This was the first video game console with color on games.
  • The video game crash

    The video game crash
    The video game crash happened in 1983. The factors that started it included: oversaturated game console market, competition from computer gaming, and a surplus of over-hyped, low-quality games, such as the infamous E.T. The crash ended after a couple of years.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) helped video games get out of the crash back in 1985. The company was based out of the Japan. The console included: improved 8-bit graphics, colors, sound, and gameplay.
  • Fighting games

    Fighting games
    In the early 1990's, fighting games started to come to the market. These games included Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter. Parents didn't want their kids playing these type of games because they were "violent".
  • 3D gaming

    3D gaming
    As of now, almost all video games are in 3d. 3d gaming makes the game feel and look more realistic. Video games have come a long way.