Unknown 16

video game history

  • first ever video game consol

    first ever video game consol
    atari was the first ever console to be made as it came out on commercials 1970
  • first best video game

    first best video game
    pong was the first ever video game to come out as it came with Atari's consoles everyone freaked of course holding a stick controlling your tv
  • arcades came in the play

    arcades came in the play
    arcades took in the step letting people go to small stores to play on the arcades
  • the FIRST first person shoot game

    the FIRST first person shoot game
    maze wars came out around the 1970s before doom was a thing yt
  • Atari had big plans for there games

    Atari had big plans for there games
    Atari let out a console where everyone could had which was called Atari 2600 which hd a joy stick game cartages and games in color
  • pac man one of the best arcade games ever

    pac man one of the best arcade games ever
    pac man was a good game for the arcade as he is still known to this day
  • The Jump man was introduced

    The Jump man was introduced
    Mario and donkey kong were introduced in the same game by nintendo as they are still well known throughout the year of their creation
  • NES takes a stand

    NES takes a stand
    the NES ( Nintendo Entertainment System) was nintendo way of showing Atari that they were better in my opinion
  • The boy who Saved Hyrule

    The boy who Saved Hyrule
    Link was one of the best games on the NES as he is swell one of the characters we all still know to this day
  • Sports was a thing you can play now

    Sports was a thing you can play now
  • a portable gaming device

    a portable gaming device
    nintendo came out with one of the best portable devices in the ages Nintendo GameBoy
  • playing games on your computer

    playing games on your computer
    Microsoft came out with an addicting game on the computers with the classic card game anyone could play
  • the fastest Hedgehog known to man

    the fastest Hedgehog known to man
    Sonic Hedghog came out with saga as today sonic is still a well known character that no one has forgotten about
  • The Army made there own game

    The Army made there own game
    the army made there own fps shooter game to communicate with new gen
  • one of the most best fighting games

    one of the most best fighting games
    mortal combat was one the best most brutal games back in the day
  • sony out with their first consol

    sony out with their first consol
    the Play Sation ! was the first console Sony made and it wasn't gonna be the last
  • Tomb Raider

    Tomb Raider
    as with the PS1 tomb raider came out featuring a girl as the main character
  • Microsoft Joins the Battle

    Microsoft Joins the Battle
    Microsoft after 20 years or so came out with there own console competing with Sony to shows who's better
  • nintendo's comeback

    nintendo's comeback
    nintendo made another portable gaming device the DS
  • Period: to

    Microsoft and Sony's war

    making thew console Sony Came out with the PS2, PS3, and the PS4 while Microsoft comes out with Xbox 360 and Xbox 1
  • Present day

    Present day
    to this day or a few years ago Sony, Xbox< and nintendo have been competing against each other with making new console as recently the Nintendo switch came out to keep up with the other two console making competers