Video Game History

  • First video game ever created

    First video game ever created
    Used to test the power the time's computers. Computers were fairly new and there needed to be away to see the capabilities. So video games were then created.
  • Release of Spacewar!

    Release of Spacewar!
    This was more than just a new video game release. It was the first game that could be installed on multiple computers. This started to make public video games a possibility.
  • The first video game released to the public.

    The first video game released to the public.
    The first video game released publicly was Computer Space. This was played through a an arcade machine and was loved by the public. This brought about the Ange of the arcade.
  • The release of the cartridge

    The release of the cartridge
    In 1976, the Fairchild Channel F released the first console that supported cartridges. These later gained popular after Atari started to use cartridges. Cartridges then became the gold standard for all home consoles.
  • First 3D game created

    First 3D game created
    The first 3D video game came out on PC called, "Battlezone" (1980). This started a new wave of 3D made games which is still used to this day. 3D made games much more realistic even though at the time they looked janky
  • Birth of the Playstation

    Birth of the Playstation
    In 1995, the Playstation was released and became an instant hit. This console had all the modernity of the times console and became the Preferred console of households for years. Playstation is still around to this day and is now a video game titan.
  • The Birth of the Xbox

    The Birth of the Xbox
    Microsoft then came out with a console that rivaled the Playstation. This was huge because both are rivals to this day. The Xbox then became the Playstation's rival.
  • The legendary Nintendo DS

    The legendary Nintendo DS
    This handled for a long time was the only of its kind. Competitors like the PSP died while the DS had longevity. The DS fought hard until the Nintendo Switch.
  • Oculus Rift Release

    Oculus Rift Release
    This made Virtual Reality mainstream and cemented VR as the future of gaming. New games and programs were then created to support the Oculus which led to more popularity. Soon, major players like Playstation made VR consoles to show their abilities.
  • Release of the new titans

    Release of the new titans
    Both the Xbox and Playstation had released their successors which both are extremely strong. These are the most recent development in video game tech and are so hyped that they are still hard to find. These two consoles shine a bright light into the future of gaming.