2018 37 horizon zero video game

Video Game Timeline

  • Nim

    One of the first computers designed to play games. With the game Nim, you try to avoid picking up the last matchstick. Typically with this first game, the computer won ~90% of the games.
  • Black Jack

    Black Jack
    First ever Black Jack machine to be put on a IBM-701 computer. It was developed in New Mexico's Los Alamos laboratories. It was also the birth place of the atomic bomb.
  • Brown Box

    Brown Box
    Developers at Sanders Associates, Inc invented a prototype of the brown box. It was a multiplayer, multi-program video game system that could be played on the tv.
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    The Atari 2600 was a home console that had joysticks and interchangeable game cartridges. They played multiple multi-colored games, helping create the second generation of video game consoles
  • Nintendo

    When the NES came to the United States. It had improved colors, sound, 8-bit graphics, and gameplay over previous consoles. It helped recover the video game industry, which had crashed.
  • Console War

    Console War
    In 1991 when Sonic The Hedgehog was released, it had made significant advancements against its older rival, Nintendo. Because of this, Nintendo released a 16-bit super new console to North America. This sparked competition between the two companies and created the first ever console war
  • Xbox

    Microsoft creates Halo:Combat Evolved. This helped gain more popularity because of the advanced graphics and seamless online play. Microsoft continued gaining support after the release of this game.
  • Steam

    Valve hypes up pc gaming with its release of steam to online players. It allowed players to buy and download games easily from the comfort of their home. Steam is still incredibly successful to this day.
  • Skylanders

    Skylanders becomes the first augmented reality game. It let players place plastic characters on a "Portal of Power" to zap characters into the game. It helped influence Disney Infinity which came out 2 years later.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    With smartphones and tablets becoming so popular, Nintendo takes the opportunity and makes a portable console called the Nintendo Switch. It allows players to take the games they love anywhere they want. It's a hybrid if mobile and console gaming.