Victorian Era

  • Period: to

    Queen Victoria reign

  • Victoria Becomes Queen of England

    On June 20th, Victoria, at age 18, becomes Queen of England, succeeding her uncle William IV.
  • Victoria Crowned in Westminster Abbey

    Victoria was crowned Queen Victoria in June 28, 1838 at Westminster abbey
  • Queen Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert

    He was her first cousin, the son of her mother’s brother; their mutual uncle, the ambitious Leopold, engineered the meeting that discuss of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert marriage and on February 10, 1840 was the day they got married
  • Assassination attempt on Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria survives the first assassination attempt on her out of several
  • The Mines Act

    The Mines Act stopped children under 10 from working in the mines.
  • The Income Tax Act 1842

    Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, passed under the government of Robert Peel, which re-introduced an income tax in Britain
  • the factory act

    the factory act decreased the working hours for children between 8 and 13, making it 6.5 hours.
  • British affected by the Ireland potato famine

    A large number of people migrated to Britain, due to the Ireland potato famine.
  • Workhouses opened

    Workhouses opened to try to help the poorest people who had no money. In return for their labour, the workers were given a bed and basic food.
  • First British Public Library Act

    the First British Public Library Act, was the establishment of public libraries. Salford Museum and Art Gallery is said to have been the first unconditionally free public library in England.
  • The beginning of the Crimean War

    The Crimean War was started when Russia was expanding into the Danube region which is Romania today.Turkey and Russia went to war in 1853, and the following year Britain and France
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale went to the Crimea war to Organise nursing during the war
  • First telegraph cable laid across the English Channel.

    Cyrus West Field and the Atlantic Telegraph Company were behind the construction of the first transatlantic telegraph cable
  • Police forces now in every town

    Law was passed to have a Police force in every town.
  • The End of the Crimean War

    the Russians evacuated Sevastopol following the storming of the vital Malakhov bastion by French troops. In short, Russia gave in, and there began a move towards peace talks. The Treaty of Paris was signed on 30 March 1856
  • Government of India Act 1858

    Its provisions called for the liquidation of the British East India Company (who had up to this point been ruling British India under the auspices of Parliament) and the transference of its functions to the British Crown.
  • Prince Albert dies of typhoid fever at age 42

    on December 14, 1861 Prince Albert dies of Typhoid fever it is believed that his stomach problem started getting worse two months before his death.
  • Chimney Sweepers Regulation Act 1864

    The Chimney Sweepers Regulation Act of 1864 bans boys under 10 from working as chimney sweeps.
  • 10 hour factory act

    the 10 hour factory act was introduced. this means that people could only be made to work for up to 10 hours per day.
  • The last public hanging

    Fenian Michael Barrett was executed at Newgate Prison for mass murder. He had participated in the Clerkenwell explosion, which had killed 12 people.
  • Schools provided for 5 - 10 year olds

    in 1870 school was provided for the kids 5 to 10 year olds so they wont have to be working. the education act
  • Bank Holidays Act 1871

    The Bank Holidays Act of 1871 established the first bank holidays in the United Kingdom.
  • Queen Victoria opens the Albert Hall

    Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria opened the Royal Albert Hall in 1871 as a tribute to her late husband, Prince Albert, and to fulfil his dream of promoting understanding and appreciation of the Arts and Sciences in the heart of South Kensington.
  • Victoria becomes Empress of India.

    on May 1, 1877 Queen Victoria of England adopts the title Empress of India
  • Britain takes complete control of Egypt.

    Britain declared war on the Ottoman Empire and named Egypt a formal protectorate, meaning it took complete control of the nation.