Grade 8 Graduation
On June 22nd was my grade 8 graduation from Southwold. The ceremony was held at Parkside in the cafe area. I graduated with all my friends and fellow classmates. We had a rather large group that year, about 80 kids were graduating. I had only moved to Southwold 2 months before grade 7 ended, so I wasn`t there for too long. In the time I had, I met so many amazing students and teachers along the way, up to graduation. -
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Job Interview
This year I had one of my first job interviews at 'Pet Friends for Life' in St.Thomas Ontario. It was a trial and error type of experience. I was thrilled that out of the 30 students that applied they only agreed to interview 7 of them and one of them was me. It was a great experience and will help me improve for future careers. It also taught me how to answer questions more professionaly instead of walking in blind. -
Drivers test
Next year I plan on doing my drivers test hopefully two days after I turn 16. I'd like to get it done as quickly as possible so I can soon aim for my G2 once I can. I've already been studying, using my brothers old driving books from last year to help me get prepared for next month. It's nerve-wrecking thinking about the posibilities that I could fail. But there's always more then one try. -
Anime North
I'm excited to be attending Anime North next year! It is a convention hosted in Toronto at the Toronto Congress Centre each year for the weekend. I`ve been going for about 3 years now and plan to go every year. Anime North is a convention that surrounds itself around Japanes culture, video games, comics, and animations. When attending this event you can cosplay (dress up) as any character you want. I`ve met so many great people and it has helped me to branch out more to others. -
Completed Volunteer Hours
My goal is to finish all of my volunteer hours by late in the 2014 year. It would've made more sense to finish in grade 9 or early grade 10 when the work wasn't as heavy. In grade 9 I finished only about 7 hours while volunteering at Pet Friends for Life in St.Thomas. I really enjoyed that job, caring for cats really made the day worth while. This summer comming up, I plan on helping my grandmother out at the retirement home in order to get all the volunteer hours finished and out of the way. -
Get my G2
I plan on getting my G2 in later 2015. I`d like to get it atleast before I graduate highschool so when I go to college it`ll be easier living on my own. To be able to drive safely on the road before I move to Toronto is a huge deal for me, especially since Toronto is one of the busiest cities. It would be bothersome to have to take the city bus or a taxi when ever I wanted to go out. -
Graduate Highschool
I hope to graduate in June 2016. It's a big step in my life and I wish to share it with all of my friends, family, and teachers I have met over the past 4 years. Once I graduate, i would like to have a good plan sorted out about exactly what I'm going to do from now on, and on how my future will look like so I have goals to strive for. -
Rent Housing
I plan to move out and go to Toronto Ontario for a residence house or apartment at/near the college I'll be attending, Although it is intimidating to move out into a city where you know no one and don't have the greatest maping skills on how to get around, it is still my ideal place to live. I want to become independant when I go to college and form a stable life. -
My plan is to attend college at Humber in Toronto Ontario for Graphic Arts & Design. I plan to attend college hopefully right after highschool, if not, a year later so I have a good amount of funds saved up from side jobs. Even if my career idea changes, I still plan on going to Humber. It is one of the schools on the top of my list next to Brescia. -
Buy my First Car
I don't have any specific ideas on what kind of car I'd like to buy. I'm not entirely that picky, I'd prefer something that is comfortable and easy to go around in. As well as I know for sure in a car I'd look for good fuel efficency, mileage, and a fair price. But, buying a car will depend on my finnacial situations and living location. -
Get a Pet Snake
While I`m in college I`d like to get a pet snake. I`ve always loved reptiles and they`re great company. At the moment I have a cornsnake, he goes by the name Buddy. But, his life is slowly comming to an end. He was rather old when I first got him, about 5 years old. So when I`m in college I`d like to get a new companion, preferably another cornsnake or maybe a ball python. These animals give me comfort and I enjoy every aspect about them. -
Graduate from College
Depending on the career choice I took, I`d like to go to college for atleast 3-5 years after I begin. Obviously I don`t want to be in school for 10+ years, I think about 5 would be good for me. That way, if I take one course that takes up to 3 years. If I want, I can take another to expand my career choices and knowlege. -
Start of Career
I'd like to start my career soon after I graduate from college if possible. I would honestly take any job thrown at me if it had something to do with the courses I studied during college. Of course I'd be logical when it comes to choosing job titles, especially when it comes to worth ethtics or my income. Although I have trouble communicating with others, I hope to get over that fear and to be able to branch out and socialize with my companions. -
Get my own House
In 2022, once I`m all finished with school and have a good career started, I`d like to buy a place of my own. I wouldn`t need anything to big of course since it may just be me and someone I`m maybe seeing. In a house I`d like atleast 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, and a nice backyard space. I`d prefer if the house was located close to work, not an hour away. As well as in a welcoming neighbour with other children and families around. -
Marriage, that is a huge commitment in life. When I get married I'd like to be past college and already have a good, stable career and life.To me, there's nothing worse then getting commited with someone while your financial state is erupting. I look for many qualities in a person. I'd love to be with someone who shares similar interests as me, and enjoys going out and trying new things. For a wedding ceremony I'd like it to just be casual, but I'd prefer it to be outside if the weather is nice.