VHS Week 8

  • 2500 BCE

    Israelites migrated to Egypt because of a drought and threat of a famine.

  • 1800 BCE

    Abraham, his family, and their herds made their way to Canaan. Canaan is the land that was promised to the Israelites by God.

  • 1400 BCE

    The beginning of Celtic culture in the upper Danube region of central Europe.

  • 922 BCE

    Israel is divided into the north and Judah

  • 622 BCE

    Muhammad and his followers are forced to leave Mecca and go to Medina. This spreads Islam

  • 613 BCE

    Muhammad preaches Islam openly in Mecca

  • 600 BCE

    Gabriel appears in front of Muhammad and gives him his first reveltion

  • 600 BCE

    What is considered the Old testament is written. It is also the Hebrew holy book.

  • 400 BCE

    Celts had settled in many European countries including Austria, Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Western Germany, Northern Spain, Turkey and Hungary

  • Period: 224 BCE to 220 BCE

    Rome conquers the Celts (Celtic religion)

  • 63 BCE

    Roman rule of Israel begins

  • Period: 6 BCE to 4 BCE

    Jesus is born