Vets Day

  • U.S. planes begin combat missions over South Vietnam

    U.S. planes begin combat missions over South Vietnam
    U.S. planes begin combat missions over South Vietnam. In June, 23,000 American advisers committed to combat. By end of year over 184,000 U.S. troops in area.
  • U.S. troops invade Cambodia

    U.S. troops invade Cambodia
    U.S. troops invade Cambodia in order to destroy North Vietnamese sanctuaries.
  • sign peace pacts in Paris, ending longest war in U.S. history

    sign peace pacts in Paris, ending longest war in U.S. history
    President orders halt to offensive operations in North Vietnam (Jan. 15). Representatives of North and South Vietnam, U.S., and N.L.F. sign peace pacts in Paris, ending longest war in U.S. history (Jan. 27). Last American troops departed in their entirety (March 29).
  • Both sides accused

    Both sides accused
    Both sides accuse each other of frequent violations of cease-fire agreement.
  • Full-scale warfare resumes.

    Full-scale warfare resumes.
    Full-scale warfare resumes. South Vietnam premier Nguyen Van Thieu resigns (April 21). South Vietnamese government surrenders to North Vietnam; U.S. Marine embassy guards and U.S. civilians and dependents evacuated (April 30). More than 140,000 Vietnamese refugees leave by air and sea, many to settle in U.S. Provisional Revolutionary Government takes control (June 6).
  • Election of National Assembly

    Election of National Assembly
    Election of National Assembly paves way for reunification of North and South.