Veterinarian History Through the Years

  • 384


    Discovered the diseases that frequently appear in cattle, dogs, horses, and elephants.
  • 450


    He described the the hydrothoarx in most swine and cattle and found a dislocation of the hip in a cow.
  • 500

    First Dissection

    First Dissection
    Greek Scientist Alcmaeon was the first person to every dissect an animal for scientific purposes.
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 501

    Animals had Jobs

    In the middle ages people used their ¨pets¨ as protection. Dogs were used as hunters and guards, and cats were used a mice catchers.
  • 502


    During this time animal medicine was approached from the aspect that it was the exact same as human medicine.
  • Jan 1, 725


    After watching cattle suffer due to a plague caused by the French herbs, Scientist, Bourgelat, went on a search for a remedy to help save this amazing creatures.
  • Jan 1, 1298

    James Harlan Steele

    James Harlan Steele became known as the father of veterinary medicine by accident, but to this day that is what he will always be known as.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • Jan 1, 1350

    A cure for Horses

    A cure for Horses
    The Lord Mayor of London learned about the poor health of the horses near by and he persuaded all farriers near to to form a fellowship to help heal them.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Gaston Phoebus

    Gaston Phoebus wrote a book while he was king of England about diseases in dogs and their treatments.
  • First anatomy diagram

    First anatomy diagram
    An Italian, Ruini Bologna, wrote the first one. Especially known for his work on horse anatomy.
  • The expert with Cows

    There are references to an “expert cow doctor” practicing in Virginia as early as 1625
  • Anyone Could be a veterinarian

    Before it was seen as a true ¨Profession¨ many people would do this as side job or hobby when they were not working their regular jobs. These included, farriers, blacksmiths, herdsman, and local ¨Witch Doctor´s¨.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • The Veterinary Profession

    The Veterinary Profession
    In Lyons, France a Veterinary School was founded by Claude Bourgelat, which is said to have started the veterinary profession.
  • First American Practice

    Charles Clark is the first known to open up his own practice in the United States.
  • First Vet School

    First Vet School
    In America the first Vet School was the Veterinary College of Philadelphia.
  • Aleen Isobel Cust

    Aleen Isobel Cust was the first ever identified female Veterinarian. She began her career in Ireland, doing animal surgeries, she was recognized by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
  • First vaccines

    The first vaccines developed were anthrax vaccine and rabies vaccine.
  • Augustus Nathaniel Lushington

    Augustus Nathaniel became the first African American known Veterinarian. He graduated from the Veterinary university of Pennsylvania.
  • First Written Accounts of Veterinary Medicine

    The first written account of veterinarian medicine by the first Buddhist King, Asoka. The writing said, There are two types of medicine: one for humans and one for animals."
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • K-state College of Veterinary medicine

    K-state College of Veterinary medicine
    The Veterinary medicine college in Manhattan Kansas at Kansas State University first opened up in 1905
  • Dogs and Cats

    Dogs and Cats
    Veterinarians started adding dogs and cats to their health saving specialty because they were in a decline in business. But it was definitely not a bad idea for it is still a major jib for veterinarians today.
  • Farm Animal Treatment

    Two British Governemnt officals decided that other than just treating horses, vets should also begin specializing in the treatment of farm animals.
  • Veterinarians are equal

    Vets have finally been recognized as a medical professional equal to human doctors.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Luke Gamble

    Luke Gamble
    Luke Gamble is the first famous veterinarian known to travel all over the world just to help animals in need and document the entire thing.
  • Chemotherapy

    Chemo was found successful in dogs, that may even help people in the future.
  • K-State Finding A Cure

    K-State Finding A Cure
    For ages the Disease Fip ,Feline infectious peritonitis, has been going on and spreading country to country cat to cat. There are two forms, wet and dry. There has never been any kind of working vaccination to help cure the disease. But now our local college is working on it day and night to save the lives of many kittens who have a large life to continue living.
  • Removal of Tumors

    It has finally been proven that in most cases that a complete removal of a cancerous tumor on an animals will reduce the risk of recurrence of the cancer.
  • Cancer Vaccination

    Cancer Vaccination
    many women who develop a particular type of breast cancer, the same gene HER2, also appears to be the cause of lung cancer in many dogs. Researchers found that neratinib a drug that has successfully been used to battle human breast cancer might also work for many of the nearly 40,000 dogs in the US that annually develop the most common type of canine lung cancer.