Assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand
On the morning of June 28, 1914, a Bosnian nationalist shot and killed Sophie and Franz Ferdinand. Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne. The Bosnian teenager didn't realize that he was setting off a chain reaction that would start World War 1. -
U.S. President announces that the U.S. will remain neutral.
On this day President Woodrow Wilson announced the U.S. would be neutral. Tensions between Washington and Berlin soon rose, however, as the Germans sought to contain the British Isles. Several U.S. ships on their way to British ports were damaged or sunk by German mines. -
Battle of Tannenburg
the German 8th Army strikes with lethal force against the Russian 2nd army. Russia sent two armies into East Prussia. Germany had the bulk of its forces concentrated to the west, against France. The Russian 1st Army advanced to the northeastern corner of East Prussia. Russia's second army headed for the southwest, planning to pin the outnumbered German army. -
Battle of Ypres begins
Allied and German forces begin the first of what would be three battles to control the city during the first World War. Fighting continued, with heavy losses on both sides, until November 22. The arrival of winter weather forced the battle to stop. -
Christmas truce
Starting on Christmas Eve, many German and British troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines. On Christmas, some German soldiers came up from their trenches and went to the Allied lines across no-man’s-land, saying “Merry Christmas” in the other sides language. At first, the Allied soldiers thought it was a trick, but seeing the Germans unarmed they climbed out of their trenches and shook hands with the enemy. -
Battle of Gallipoli
An unsuccessful attempt by the Allied Powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia during World War I. It began with a failed naval attack by British and French ships. -
The battle of Verdun
This was the longest battle of WWI. It lasted from February 21st all the way to December 18th. It was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. -
The battle of jutland
This was the major naval battle of WWI. The British got many direct hits and forced the Germans to Retreat. -
Battle of the Somme.
This was the battle that tanks got introduced. Was one of the largest battles and one of the bloodiest. -
Roy Avery was ordered to come to Washington D.C. to serve at an Army Medical School. He had left his unit behind in Vichy. he helped train field medics to be prepared in the warzone. -
returned to combat
After a long time on US soil Avery is ordered back to Vichy, Where the rest of his unit is stationed. He rode in a transport plane back with the Air Force. -
Major attack
Avery was stationed in Baccarat when a huge German attack came in. HE was working the hospital and coulnt get any sleep. Their were patients with burns, limbs missing, cuts, and all sorts of other injuries. -
First Combat
Crowdy's ship is attacked by 2 German u-boats. Both of which were destroyed.