Venice During the Renaissance

By vita255
  • 1000

    Venetian Islands Unite

    Venetian Islands Unite
    In 1000 c.e. the Venetian islands united under a single Empire to be ruled by a doge (Duke in local dialect).
  • 1092

    San Marco Basilica Founded

    San Marco Basilica Founded
    The San Marco Basilica has a Byzantine design. It has 5 vaulted domes and golden mosaics which are all popular in Byzantine churches. It is a great example of the Venetians being inspired by the Byzantines.
  • Period: 1140 to 1160

    Becoming a Republic

    Venice's organization changed to a republic due to its growing territory and wealth. This caused the doge to lose his monarchic power and become an official. Many councils were also made to help the organization of the city-state such as the Council of 10 (1310) which was created to stop attempts on a personal rule.
  • Period: 1147 to 1149

    Venetians Helped the Byzantine Emperor to Defeat the Normans

    In the years of 1147-1149, the Venetians helped the Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus defeat the Normans but offended him with their aggressive behavior. This dislike between the Byzantines and Venetians turned into hatred. The emperor of Byzantium encouraged other Italian republics such as Genoa and Pisa to compete in the Byzantine markets against the Venetians. The Venetians were angry and destroyed the establishments of their rivals.
  • 1171

    Venetians Banished from Constantinople

    Venetians Banished from Constantinople
    The Byzantine emperor instructed that all the Venetians in Constantinople should be arrested and their goods were taken away.
  • 1204

    Venetians Capture Constantinople

    Venetians Capture Constantinople
    During the 4th crusade, the Venetians along with others managed to capture Constantinople.
  • 1261

    Byzantine Emperor Granted the Genoese Trading Rights

    The Byzantine emperor granted the Genoese rights for trading in the Black Sea because the Genoese helped the Byzantines recover the city of Nicaea. This challenged the Venetians in the monopoly of trade. The Venetians kept having control over the Greek islands and managed to have partial favor in Byzantium through a series of treaties.
  • 1291

    Last Crusader Fort Falls to the Ottomans

    In 1291 the last Crusader fort fell to the Ottomans and the Venetians who had been taken off their land moved near the Black Sea to share the trade with the Genoese.
  • 1300

    Maritime Empire

    Maritime Empire
    In 1300 c.e., Venice's maritime empire was formed. It was formed by refugees who fled Northern Italy to escape Germanic Lombards. They originally traded fish and salt locally but the trade quickly increased and Venice grew very wealthy.
  • 1381

    Peace of Turin Signed

    The Peace of Turin was signed ending the war with Genoa with Venice coming out as a winner. It was also used to stop any Genoan influence on the Mediterranean and the east.
  • 1400

    Territorial Empire

    In 1400 c.e., the territorial empire of Venice was established. By 1454 Venetian conquests had almost reached Milan. Many of the places grew into great trading centers and grew very wealthy.
  • 1423

    Francesco Foscari Became the Doge of Venice

    Francesco Foscari Became the Doge of Venice
    Francesco Foscari became the doge of Venice. He started wars in the mainland of Italy and especially against Milan
  • 1424

    Doges' Palace Founded

    Doges' Palace Founded
    The Doges' palace is a great example of Venetian architecture. It has a combination of Gothic, Moorish and Renaissance architectural traditions.
  • 1454

    Peace of Lodi Signed

    The Peace of Lodi was a treaty between Venice and Milan. Because of it, there was 40-year long peace. Power was balanced among Venice, Milan, Naples, Florence, and the Papal States.
  • 1455

    Italian League Established

    To be able to maintain the existing boundaries the Italian League was also set up. It was quick to be accepted by most Italian city-states. Members of the league had to promise to provide military aid and defend each other in case of an attack.
  • 1458

    Decline of the Maritime Empire

    The Decline of the maritime empire was started by the Ottomans after the Venetian territories in the east were taken by the Ottomans.
  • 1494

    Italian League Collapsed

    The league collapsed because the system of the league was not totally effective in times of war because the city-states continued to pursue their own interests.
  • 1508

    League of Cambrai Formed

    League of Cambrai Formed
    The League of Cambrai was another power that went against Venice. Formed on December 10, 1508, by Pope Julius II, Maximilian I, Louis XII of France, and Ferdinand II of Aragon. It was an alliance and was apparently to protect the members from the Turks but it was actually to attack Venice and steal its possessions.
  • Period: 1509 to 1517

    War Against League of Cambrai

    The war against the League of Cambrai lasted 8 years and resulted with Venice losing. Venice managed to regain all of its mainland territories later.
  • 1510

    League of Cambrai Collapsed

    In 1510, the League of Cambrai collapsed after the Pope switched sides and joined Venice and Ferdinand of Aragon became neutral.
  • 1511

    Holy League Formed

    In 1511, the Holy League was formed. Ferdinand joined with the Pope and Venice in the Holy League. The Holy League was against French power in Italy.
  • Venetian Innovations in Art

    Venetian Innovations in Art
    Painters in Venice gradually shifted and colors and played with light and shadow to suggest depth.Trading with the East brought Venice luxury exotic pigments and trade with Northern Europe brought the technique of oil painting.In the 17th century Venetian artists made many different innovations in art such as asymmetry, new topics such as landscapes and started using pliable canvas more, while they also tried different approaches to texture by using thick or thin brush strokes.
  • Crete Taken By the Ottomans

    In 1669, the Ottomans took Crete, the last Venetian possession in the east. Venice was also having an economic crisis because of this because the eastern market was lost and the discovering of new countries (West) and trade routes (East) made Europeans free from Venetian markets. Venice was a Mediterranean power and lacked the advantage that other Atlantic powers had direct access to the New World.
  • Fall of the Republic

    Fall of the Republic
    The fall of the republic started with the French Revolution because Napoleon was determined to destroy the Venetians oligarchy. On May 12, 1797, the last doge was deposed and Venice was handed over to Austria.
  • Venice Given to Italy

    Austria was defeated by the Prussians in 1866 and Venice was given up to Italy.