
  • The Venezuelan crisis of 1902–03

    The Venezuelan crisis of 1902–03
    The Venezuelan crisis of 1902–03 was a naval blockade from December 1902 to February 1903 imposed against Venezuela by Britain, Germany and Italy over President Cipriano Castro's refusal to pay foreign debts and damages suffered by European citizens in the Venezuelan civil war.
  • Revolutionary left movement

    Revolutionary left movement
    was a left-wing Marxist political party in Venezuela. It split from Acción Democratic in 1960 and became involved in armed guerrilla struggle against the Venezuelan state.MIR merged with the Movement for Socialism (MAS) in 1988.
  • First Presidential handover

    First Presidential handover
    Venezuela's first presidential handover from one civilian to another takes place when Dr Raul Leoni (AD) is elected president.
  • Doomsday

    All international media just went off the grid. No television, no radio communications, no cables from the embassies and no phone calls from abroad. Sometimes not even static, just eerie silence. Fearing the worst, President Campins and a high level delegation were almost immediately evacuated from Miraflores Palace, to the Presidential Retreat, where the head of the Presidential Guard believed it would be safest for the upper echelons of government.
  • Venezuelan coup attempts of 1992

    Venezuelan coup attempts of 1992
    Some 120 people are killed in two attempted coups, the first led by future president Colonel Hugo Chavez, and the second carried out by his supporters. Chavez is jailed for two years before being pardoned.
  • Perez goes to jail

    Perez goes to jail
    Perez imprisoned after being found guilty of embezzlement and corruption.
  • Hugo Chavez is elected president

    Hugo Chavez is elected president
    Released from prison after two years, he founded a political party known as the Fifth Republic Movement and was elected president of Venezuela in 1998. He was re-elected in 2000 and again in 2006 with over 60% of the votes.
  • Venezuela plummets

    Venezuela plummets
    National currency, the bolivar, plummets 25% against the US dollar after the government scraps exchange rate controls.
  • Chavez signs arms deal

    Chavez signs arms deal
    President Chavez signs a $3bn (£1.6bn) arms deal with Russia, including an agreement to buy fighter jets and helicopters.
  • Voters plan to abolish the number of terms limit for government officials

    Voters plan to abolish the number of terms limit for government officials
    Voters in a referendum approve plans to abolish limits on the number of terms in office for elected officials; this would allow President Chavez to stand again when his current term expires in 2012.