Deomcratic Presidential Election
Leftist Romulo Betancourt of Democratic Action party wins democratic presidential election. -
Movement of the Revolution
Movement of the revolution left splits from AD and commmerces anti-government work. -
Oil and Steel Industries Nationalised
Venezuela benefits from oil boom its currency peaks against the U.S. dollar. Oil and steel industries nationalised. -
Martial Law and Gengral Strikes
Between 300- 2,000 people were killed due to martial law and gengral stikes. Carlos Andres Perez elected President. -
Attempted Coups
Some 120 people are killed in two attempted coups. The first led by future President colonel Hugo Chevez. -
Venezula's Health Mission
A years of Venezula's Health Mission sees 745,078,000 con sultation. Involves 12,898 Cuban and Venezulan doctors. -
Venezula's Electioral Register
1.3 million more people join Venezula's Electoral Register, Funding Allacated. After 9 mounths of campaiging for people to sign up.