• Nationalist Ho Chi' Mihn begins uprising in vietnam in the early 1900's

    Nationalist Ho Chi' Mihn begins uprising in vietnam in the early 1900's
    The Vietnamese Nationalists begin the uprising to overthrow the french government.
  • The Viet Mihn regain Vietnam.

    The Viet Mihn regain Vietnam.
    Vietnam Is won back thanks to the Vietminh Taking down Japan,
  • U.S. helps France.

    U.S. helps France.
    The U.S.A. Sends militery aid to the french in Vietnam.
  • Geneva accords.

    Geneva accords.
    Geneva Accords to be created?
  • Eisenhower Creates a theory

    President Eisenhower creates the domino theory which says,if Vietnam becomes communist the rest of Indo-Chic=na will.
  • Diem took control of the South Vietnamese government

    Diem took control of the South Vietnamese government
    Diem takes over the South Vietnamese Government,and then Declared "The Republic of Vietnam".
  • French leave

    French leave
    The french leave vietnam And officially lose the war.
  • The gulf of tonkin incident

    The gulf of tonkin incident
    An american navy ship is destroyed in the gulf of tonkin officially bringing america completely into the war.
  • Murica Arrives,MURICA HECK YEAH!

    Murica Arrives,MURICA HECK YEAH!
    American forces arrive in Vietnam Brining the U.S. fully into the war.
  • My lai Massacre

    My lai Massacre
    The tet My lai Massacre occurs.
  • Cease fire

    A cease fire is signed in Paris,France.
  • Remaining americans Evacuate.

    Remaining americans evacuate Veitnam and North Vietnam Takes over all of Vietnam.