VB general

  • Wexford Rising

    Attempted revolution, 300,000 people died.
    Irish catholics vs British representatives.
  • Combinations of Workmen Act

    Makes striking a criminal offence.
  • Period: to

    Removal death penatly

  • 1st Police Force in London

  • Catholic Relief Act

    Removed some restrictions on Roman Catholics in Britain.
    Leads to split in the Tory party.
  • Factory Act

    Limited working hours for women and children. (PERMISSIVE).
  • Whig Great Reform Act

    • Ended the system of 'rotten boroughs' and 'pocket boroughs'.
    • Added 217,000 voters to a 435,000 electorate in England and Wales.
    • Only upper and middle class could vote (loss power aristocracy).
  • Slavery Abolition Act

    They bought and freed slaves from the Sugar islands in the Caribbean.
    Gladstone doesn't support.
  • Poor Law Amendment Act

  • Disraeli Maiden speech on Irish elections

  • Coal Mining Act

    Prohibits women, girls and boys under the age of 10 from working underground.
  • Disraeli hosts dinner

    Meets Gladstone for the first time.
  • Disraeli attacks Peel over the Corn Laws

  • Period: to

    Potato Famine

  • Peel resignes

  • Repeal of the Corn Laws

  • Gladstone officially becomes Peelite

  • Disraeli first elected MP

  • Gladstone becomes MP for Oxford University

  • Removal of Civil Disabilities for Jews

  • Period: to

    Railway mania

  • Samuel Smiles publishes 'Self Help'

  • Gladstone increases taxation

    To fund Crimean War.
  • Gladstone officially joins the Liberals

  • 'The Firm' created by Morris

  • Liberal movement first appears

  • Liberal Bill by Gladstone

    Annual pay for householders in counties: 14
    Annual pay for renters in counties: 10
    Annual pay for householders in boroughs: 7
    Annual pay for renters in boroughs: no renters
  • Disraeli's Second Reform Act

    Annual pay for householders in counties: 12
    Annual pay for renters in counties: 5
    Annual pay for householders in boroughs: minimum 1 year
    Annual pay for renters in boroughs: 10
  • Disraeli first appearance in elections

    'I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole'.
  • Period: to

    Gladstone's first ministry

    'My mission is to pacify Ireland'.
  • First Irish Land Act

    By Gladstone.
  • Foster's Education Act

    Creates new schools for middle class children.
  • Married Women's Act

    Means that women depend less on their husbands.
  • Bank Holiday Act

    Introduces paid holidays.
  • University Test Act

    Means non Catholics can go to University.
  • Crystal Palace speech by Disraeli

    Speech on new vision for Conservatives.
  • Secret Ballot Act

  • Licensing Act by Gladstone

    Reduces reliance on alcohol.
  • Small Holdings Act

    Gave workers to ability to purchase small holdings of land by borrowing money from County Councils.
  • Chamberlain mayor Birmingham

  • Great Depression

    Caused by the stock market crash in the US.
  • Period: to

    Disreali PM - 'Ministry of sewage'

    Wants to ammend trade unions.
  • Germany and USA take over industrial monopoly

  • Cross' Artisans Dwelling Act

    Allows towns to remove slums.
  • Property Act

    Allows picketing.
  • Employers and Workmen Act

    Creates a fairer employment system.
  • Sale of Food and Drugs Act

    Prevents people from altering food. Eg, adding coal in flour and salt in beer.
  • Disraeli becomes an Earl and moves to the House of Lords

  • Plimsoll's Merchant Seamen's Act

    Creates a line added to ships to control their weight to prevent sinking.
  • Factory Act

  • Gladstone wins elections, Disraeli loses

  • Fabian Society created

  • Representation of People's Act

    60% of the male population can now vote.
  • Period: to

    Salisbury first ministry

    'Grow vegetables not government'.
  • First Home Rule Bill

  • Period: to

    Salisbury's second ministry

  • Salisbury appoints his nephew as Secretary of State for Ireland

  • Period: to

    Perpetual Crimes Act

  • Unemployment demonstration in Trafalgar Square

  • Match Girls strike

  • Lister Mills strike

  • Period: to

    Gladstone and Rosebery in government

    Shortly after Gladstone retires and leaves Rosebery.
  • Local Government Act

    Gives power to local governments.
  • Period: to

    Salisbury's third ministry

    Rosebery doesn't gain popular vote seeing as Gladstone left.
  • Death Gladstone, replaced by Lord Rosebery

  • Boer War

    To gain mines in Africa.
    Highlights national efficiency crisis.
    Challenges the Pax Britannica.
  • Taff Vale Ruling

    Means unions have to pay their workers absences to the workplaces.
  • Violent revolts in Birmingham

    2 people killed.
  • Liberals + Labour Pact

  • Ulster Unionist Council formed

    By James Craig
  • Period: to

    Campbell-Bannerman PM

  • Taff Vale Ruling overturned

  • Liberals reduce pensions

  • DLG becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer

  • Childrens Charter Act

    Free school meals. 'Hungry children cannot learn'.
  • Osborne Ruling

    Doesn't allow trade unions to use the money they earn from memberships for political causes. Eg, creating and supporting the Labour party.
  • People's Budget Act

    By DLG and Churchill.
    Upper and middle classes start to pay taxes.
    Conservatives and Whigs present Anti-Budget league.
  • Period: to

    Great Unrest

    The suffragette movement and the collapse of the staple industries.
  • Period: to

    Great Unrest

    Fear of syndicalism, tackled with coersion. Emergence of triple alliance.
  • National Insurance Act

  • Conciliation Bill

    By Asquith.
    Promises enfranchisement but doesn't.
  • Healthcare becomes free for children

  • Neville Chamberlain mayor B'ham

  • Period: to

    Red Clydeside

    Protests in Glasgow about wages, working conditions, and unfair rents.
  • Neville Chamberlain MP for B'ham

  • 'Coupon' election

    The conservatives and liberals formed a coalition to win.
  • Representation of the People Act

    Enfranchised all men over the age of 21 and women with properties.
  • Sinn Féin sets up own government

  • Emergency of Powers Act

    Enables the government to interfere with the supply of food, water, fuel and light during a state of emergency.
  • Women at Oxford given degrees

  • Anti Waste League created

    To advocate for a reduction in government spending.
  • the UK government call a state of emergency because of coal miners

  • GB signs trade agreement with USSR

  • 1922 committee founded

    Parliamentary group of the conservative party in the house of commons.
  • Geddes Axe

    Government announces plans to reduce public expenditures by 87,000,000.
  • Chanak crisis

    Conflict over land between Turkey and Greece.
  • Period: to

    Irish Civil War

  • Death Bonar-Law

  • Baldwin wins elections

  • Neville Chamberlain minister of health

    He lays the foundations for the NHS.
  • General strike

  • Wall St Crash in the US

    Stock market crash.
  • MacDonald wins elections

  • Unemployment insurance act

    Means testing.
  • Neville Chamberlain chancellor of the exchequer

  • Clement Attlee replaces MacDonald

  • Baldwin wins elections

  • German bank collapses

  • Manchurian crisis

  • Snowden's budget

    • 10% cut unemployment benefit.
    • Public sector wage cuts.
    • GB comes off Gold Standard.
    • Exchange rate falls by 25%.
    • Sterling Area created with Commonwealth countries.
  • Period: to

    National Government

    1931-1935: under MacDonald
    1935-1937: under Stanley Baldwin
  • Period: to

    National Government

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

  • Special Areas Act

    Addresses economic issues faced after the great depression
  • Baldwin wins elections

  • Saar Plebiscite

    Referendum that allowed the reintegration of Saar into Germany.
  • Jarrow March

    200 unemployed people marched from Jarrow (Newcastle) to London demanding jobs.
  • Anti-cominter pact

    Signed by Japan, Italy and Germany.
  • Baldwin resigns