Vasco Da Gama

  • 1460

    Vasco Da Gama was born

    Explorer Vasco da Gama was born into a noble family around 1460 in Sines, Portugal. Little is known about his upbringing except that he was the third son of Estêvão da Gama, who was commander of the fortress in Sines in the southwestern pocket of Portugal.
  • 1480

    Vasco da Gama joins the Order of Santiago.

    When da Gama joins the Order of Santiago, his family’s prospects improve, especially since the master of the Order later becomes King John II of Portugal.
  • 1492

    Seize French ships

    Known as a tough and fearless navigator, da Gama solidified his reputation as a reputable sailor when, in 1492, King John II of Portugal dispatched him to the south of Lisbon and then to the Algarve region of the country, to seize French ships as an act of vengeance against the French government for disrupting Portuguese shipping.
  • 1497

    The king commissions da Gama to sail to India

    King Manuel of Portugal commissions da Gama to lead an expedition to find a sea route to India. The king hopes to find lucrative markets and to exploit existing Asian commercial networks.
  • Jul 8, 1497

    Da Gama sets sail for India

    Da Gama commands four vessels as they set sail for India, including his flagship, SãoGabriel. Hoping to capitalize on the prevailing winds, he sets a course south along the coast of Africa, then swings out into the Atlantic, only to return to the southeastern coast of Africa. This establishes sailing routes that are still used today. Da Gama then rounds the Cape of Good Hope and heads toward the uncharted Indian Ocean.
  • 1498

    Da Gama lands on the east coast of Africa

    Da Gama and his crew land in Mozambique, an Islamic city-state on the east coast of Africa. Da Gama attempts an audience with the sultan, but he offers only limited gifts and the local population forces him to leave.
  • 1498

    Da Gama acquires a Muslim pilot.

    At the port of Malindi, Da Gama takes on a Muslim pilot, who instructs him on navigating the difficult winds and currents of the Indian Ocean.
  • May 20, 1498

    Da Gama becomes the first European to complete a sea voyage to India

    Da Gama lands in Calicut, India, and the local Hindu ruler welcomes da Gama and his crew. The Portuguese mistakenly believe the residents are Christians, as they have never heard of Hinduism. The crew remains for three months, but the local Muslims traders refuse to allow them to barter freely.
  • Aug 1, 1498

    Da Gama departs India

    Da Gama and his crew set sail for Europe, bearing spices and the news of their discovery. Along the way they are caught in a monsoon and several crewmembers die of scurvy. Da Gama is forced to reduce his fleet by burning one of his ships.
  • Jul 10, 1499

    Da Gama is hailed as a hero for his discovery

    Accompanied by only 54 of his original 170 crew members, da Gama arrives back in Portugal. The Portuguese government treats da Gama as a hero and immediately sends another group of ships back to India to establish a Portuguese trading post. On the way to India, this new expedition kills a number of Muslim sailors, and the Arabs eventually retaliate by killing all members of the trading post.
  • 1500

    Married with Caterina

  • 1502

    Da Gama affirms Portugal’s foothold in Asian trading markets

    Da Gama sets sail for India again, this time in charge of 20 ships. His goal is to avenge the deaths of members of the trading post. He sweeps up the eastern coast of Africa, attacking Arab Muslim ships along the way and wrecking the port city of Calicut in India. He forces the ruler of Calicut to make peace. Da Gama moves on to Cochin, where he establishes a strong alliance with the local ruler and reasserts the Portuguese presence in the region.
  • Oct 11, 1503

    Da Gama retires from exploration

    Da Gama and his crew arrive back in Portugal after their conquest in India. Compared to his first arrival, da Gama is received with minimal fanfare, and historians speculate that he may have felt rejected by the lack of recognition. He settles into quiet family life with his wife and six sons.
  • 1519

    Da Gama serves as an adviser to the king on India

    In return for advising King Manuel on Indian matters, da Gama is named count of Vidiguiera.
  • 1524

    Da Gama returns to India

    King John II names da Gama the Portuguese viceroy in India and asks him to return east to deal with mounting corruption among Portuguese officials. Da Gama sets sail once again.
  • Dec 24, 1524


    Vasco Da Gama died in Cochin. His body was sailed back to Portugal, and buried there, in 1538.