Sep 5, 1500
Varicella Discovery
Giovanni Filippo of Palermo gave the first description Chicken Pox. -
Naming of the disease
In the 1600's Robert Morton, an English Physician, gave the name Chicken Pox to what he thought was a milder form of Small Pox -
Origin of term
The orgin of the term Chicken Pox has been recorded as being used since 1684 -
Comapring Chicken Pox and Small Pox
In 1767, William Heberden, English physician became the first person demonstrated that small pox was different from chicken pox. Heberden showed how chicken pox was a mild disease and stressed that a person who has had chicken pox remained immune. -
Infectios Disease
In 1875, a scientist discovered that chickenpox was caused by an infectious agent. Rudolf Steiner, took fluid from the chickenpox blisters of an infected person and rubbed it on the skin healthy volunteers. They too developed the itchy, bumpy rash. -
In 1909, Von Bokay suggested that chickenpox and shingles were related infections, and idea that was confirmed in the 1920s and 1930s when children inoculated with fluid from zoster vesicles were shown to contract chickenpox. -
In 1972, Takahashi developed a live attenuated VZV (varicella-zoster virus) vaccine for prevention of varicella. -
DNA Sequence of Varicella Zoster Virus
The Complete DNA sequence was established in 1986 -
Discovery Charter School faces chickenpox outbreak
Six students at Discovery Charter School have chickenpox and another 40 students were excluded from school Wednesday and Thursday because they don't have current immunizations.