The odyssey

Vanzant Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    This war started when a prince kidnapped Helen from her husband Menelaus the king of Sparta. Menelaus recruited kings and soldiers from all over Greece. They fought for 10 painstakingly years. Eventually, they planned a surprise attack by using a giant horse. *You can never trust anybody because they might take advantage of you. This is why many people lose feeling and seem to stop caring for a lot of people.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    Helios is told that his cattle were eaten by Odysseus and his men. While they were eating the cattle weird superstitions begin to happen. Helos told the gods to punish them if they didn't comply.*Odysseus and his men are proven to be disloyal and hardheaded. Establishing relationships with other people is great and you should never jeopardize that relationship especially if it benefits you.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus is on his way home and when he arrives there he sees many suitors in his household. To kill them he dresses as a worker and single-handedly killed them. *Odysseus thinks outside of the box and is smart on his feet. This proves that he is intelligent and thinks quick on his feet. That could come in handy in tough situations.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his men encounter the sirens and realize that they can be very dangerous. Circe warns only Odysseus about the attack but he continues on his adventure. The sirens take with them 6 crew members and leave. *Odysseus is a backstabbing leader but it was out of necessity. This also proves that Odysseus has loyal crew members and that they will never leave his side.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his men are searching for home traveled to Dulichium which was an island filled with Cyclops. On this trip, they seen cyclops and noticed that they have no rules. They are captured and two men are eaten. Odysseus gets the cyclops drunk and use a hot wooden stick to poke the cyclops in the eye and escape.
    *He feels that the struggle was compared to a game. Strike first because sometimes it could be beneficial. Odysseus cares for his crew and wants to get them to safety.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

    The wind carried the ship to the lotus-eaters, in need of resources they ask for help and they are given the lotus and they eat the plant and it causes them to never want to leave. Odysseus had to drag his men to get them to leave. *Everything good to you may not always be beneficial for you. This proves that Odysseus is a good leader to his crew. He could've left his men on the ship, but he idea to tie them to the ship to get them to leave.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his men land at Aeolus and stay for a month. Aeolus decides to be kind by giving them a bag wind and a blow to help them leave. His men decided to open the bag thinking it was riches while Odysseus was sleeping causing them to be blown back to Aeolus and he refuses to help them again.
    *Never trust anyone. Even your closest people can't be trusted. The people that are on your side should help you in times of trouble. Always have your friends back even when nobody will.
  • 1200 BCE


    Circe is an evil goddess that doesn't want to let Odysseus to leave her island. Odysseus and his men are attracted to Circe's voice and they meet for the 1st time and she turns the men into pigs by giving them something to eat with a poison. Odysseus compelled Hermes to convince Circe to turn the people back to normal.
    *Networking can be beneficial in the long run. To avoid being a loner you need to socialize. Odysseus can be deceiving, but it is all for a good reason.
  • 1200 BCE


    Scylla is a huge monster with 12 legs and 6 heads with a mouth full of fangs. She lives in a cave and every ship that passes leaves empty. She eats a man for every head. She says that he shouldn't fight because it's better to lose 6 than all of them. Odysseus doesn't care and will still fight.
    *Odysseus is fearless for a good reason. Odysseus is a great leader this is because he is willing to die for his crew. Without him, the crew would be lost forever. Odysseus does everything for a reason.