
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    James Cook arrived to Vancouver, the people there confused him with a ghost.
  • José María Narváez.

    José María Narváez.
    The spanish explorer didn't land on Vancouver he just passed by the surroundings.
  • George Vancouver

    George Vancouver
    He arrived to Vancouver on the H.M.S Discovery ship and drew a maritime map of the Vancouver's sea, ocean and rivers. The city has the same name of his surname
  • Simón Fraser

    Simón Fraser
    He established some comercial shop to improve the trade and commercial links of the city.
  • Fraser river

    Fraser river
    They found gold in the Fraser river, that meant an increase of trade and commercial sector.
  • Population

    Population increased to 1000 inabitants.
  • Population

    Population increased to 150000 inhabitants.
  • Popualtion

    Population increased to 800000. The Vancouver's population grew very fast and in big amounts.
  • Vancouver

    Vancouver has a high economic level and uses technology to immprove citizen's life. In conclusion it's a smart city.