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Vamos Ajudar a Catarina Eco Heroes in Action

  • Beginning of the project and research of information

    Beginning of the project and research of information
    On this day, we started to search information to our project.
  • Elaboration of the poster

    Elaboration of the poster
    On this day we created the poster of our project with the information that we searched.
  • Preparation of the boxes

    Preparation of the boxes
    We started to paint our boxes with blue and green spray.
  • Completation of the boxes

    Completation of the boxes
    On this day we concluded our boxes. We glued the poster on the boxes with the information about our project.
  • "Reunion" with the President of the Parish

    We talked with the president and he told us that we would help us and wanted to gave us plastic bottle screw caps.
  • Distribuition of the boxes

    Distribuition of the boxes
    On this day we were distributing the boxes in cafés of Sátão and also in our villages. On the boxes people would put plastic bottle screw caps.
  • "Reunion" with the school principal

    We talked to the school principal of our school about our project and the school wanted to help us.
  • Collecting the bottle screw caps

    Collecting the bottle screw caps
    In these two days we collected all the bottle screw caps that cafés and restaurants got.
  • Collecting the bottle screw caps

    Collecting the bottle screw caps
    In these two days we collected all the bottle screw caps that cafés and restaurants got.