Valkraeth History

  • 1 BCE

    The Arrival

    The guardian and first settlers arrive on Valkraeth, long time ago. So long that no one really knows how long, even the legends forgot about it. It is a harsh environment, but few plants and animals seem to live here. Civilization will have a long and rough journey before it reaches its former greatness.
  • 1 CE

    The Fall

    Valrin is hit by what appears to be a comet. Parts of the moon come done on the surface.Kroth'Valar is protected by the guardian. The first settlement is destroyed. Drastic climate changes due to "volcanic winter" caused by the moons' debris.
  • Period: 1 CE to 507

    The Time of Hunger

    A time of uncertainty and barbarism. Portals not functional, no help from outside. People fall at each other, ravaging and pillaging what is left of civilization.
  • 507

    The First Gathering

    Representatives of all groups get together and agree on a decleration of planetary piece. More an agreement to lay down their weapons, and work together to bring Valkraeth back on course. First council-member in over 500 years is chosen by the guardian and sent into the council.
  • Period: 508 to 673

    The time of renewal

    The four big cities of the cardinal directions are founded.
    The Eternal City, Nor'Thalir, in the north.
    The Black City, Ku'Thal Ara, in the south.
    The Canyon City, Ral'Idar Kyr, in the west.
    The City under the Mountain, Thalir Ral'Kroth, in the east.
  • 525

    The founding of Nor'Thalir

    A large group of Valandor settles down near ground zero of The Fall, thus founding the Eternal City.
  • 527

    The founding of Ku'Thal Ara

    Numerous groups of Ryn and Rynshar venture into the Onyx Desert and raise the Black City from the dark sands.
  • 564

    The first Contact

    Scouts and pioneers encounter an insectoid species while searching for a place to settle in the east. They name this "new" and strange species 'Zyrkath'.
  • 565

    The founding of Thalir Ral'Kroth

    The scouts of the east find a large, jagged mountain range. It is filled with winding caves and large caverns. The air is surprisingly cold, so they lead the settlers there and begin to build what will be called The City under the Mountain.
  • 673

    The founding of Ral Idar'Kyr

    The pioneers roaming the west find a collection of plateaus, calling them the Ilith Plateaus. They dig into the sides of a rather narrow canyon between two of these plateaus, thus avoiding the scorching air and sun, utilizing the stream of air blowing between the two cliff faces. Named after its location, the Canyon City is founded.
  • Period: 673 to 1160

    The Golden Age

    The cities flourish, technologies and magic thrive and are pushed to new limits. Society functions and the population grows ever bigger.
  • Period: 1160 to 1350

    The Skittering War

    The demanding war of the cities versus the Zyrkath.
  • Period: 1350 to 1480

    The Accord

    The Cities and Zyrkath agree on a ceasefire to regroup and count the losses. It is a time of fear for all cultures on Valkraeth.
  • 1480

    The Last Battle/The Battle of Ilith

    The last confrontation between the insectoids and the other species. No one is triumphant. Too many losses and too much destruction led to both sides agreeing on piece.
  • 1481

    The Treaty of Ilith

    The war parties gather at the battlefield of their last clash, agreeing on a contract that grants Zyrkath the status of a higher species per law of the City-Council. Both sides agree to lay down the weapons and live in peaceful co-existence.
  • 1481

    New Chronology: BTI/ATI (Before/After Treaty of Ilith)

  • Period: 1481 to 1531

    The time of Recovery

    Both, the cities' and Zyrkath' population recovers, though not to their old numbers. Ressources have been mostly consumed by the war and the repair of the damage done. A rough time lies at the horizon.
  • Period: 1531 to

    The Age of Trade

    Coming from the Time of Recovery, natural ressources on Valkraeth are scarce. The already barren landscape now lacks even more. Few mines are still at work, but most metals and gems need to be imported from the Asteroid belt. In these circumstances, the Ryn gain power, as they start their trading journeys from city to city, thus ensuring an even distribution of the few available goods. The rich get richer and the poor are forgotten.
  • Current Era

    The Age of Trade goes on. The current year is 2130 AF (After the Fall) or 649 ATI (After the Treaty of Ilith). This is where our stories on Valkraeth take place.