Dsc04025 rhnp3b

Vaclav Havel

  • Havel's Birth

  • Period: to

    Life of Vaclav Havel

  • Havel writes his first play, The Garden Party (exact date N/A)

  • Havel Writes famous play, The Memorandum (exact date N/A)

  • Havel signs charter 77

  • Havel serves jail sentence of 4 and a half years for dissidence

  • The Gentle Revolution begins

    The Gentle Revolution begins
  • The Gentle Revolution ends

    The Gentle Revolution ends
  • Havel elected Czech President

    Havel elected Czech President
    Havel retained presidency in the 1990 election.
  • The Czech Republic is formed and Havel becomes President

  • Havel steps down from presidency

    Havel steps down from presidency
  • Vaclav Havel's Death

    Vaclav Havel's Death