Uncle Tom's Cabin
Dred Scott Case
Election of 1860
Lincoln Becomes President -
Battle of Fort Sumpter begins
Period: to
Battle of Fort Sumter
Battle of Fort Sumter End
Battle of Antietam
Union Victory -
Emmancipation Proclomation issued
sherman anti-trust sct
16th amendment
17th amendment
Clayton anti-trust act
19th amendment
Period: to
Hoover Presidency
Period: to
Black Tuesday
Wall Street Crash -
Great Depression
Great Depression start date -
Period: to
Dust Bowl
Period: to
New Deal
Period: to
FDR presidency
1st fireside chat
Civilian Concervation Corps
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Wagner Act
Social Security Act
Fair Labor Standards Act
Non-Agression Pact
Hitler and Stalinagree not to sttack each other -
Period: to
World War 2
War inEurope begins on september 1 1939 -
Pearl Harbor
U.S. declares war
Period: to
Miracle of midway
Germany invades Russia
largest seaborn invasion in history -
Period: to
Battle of the Bulge
korematsu vs U.S
Nagasaki Atomic Bomb drop
V-E Day
German surrender -
Period: to
Division of Germany
Hiroshima Atomic bomb drop
Period: to
Nuremburg Trials
Period: to
Cold War
NATO Creation
Marshall plan
Period: to
Berlin Airlift
Communist takeover of China
Period: to
Korean War
Period: to
Eisenhower's presidency
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg killed
Period: to
Warsaw Pact
Period: to
Vietnam war
U2 incident
Period: to
Period: to
Cuban Missile crisis
JFK Assassination
Election of 1968
Republican: Richard Nixon
Democratic: Hubert Humphrey
American Independant: George Wallace -
Period: to
Nixon's Presidency
Nixon in China
Watergate Scandal
end of Vietnam war
U.S steps out -
Period: to
Carter's Presidency
Panama Canal Treaty
Camp David Accord
Period: to
Iran Hostage Crisis
Period: to
Reagan's Presidency
Reagan's Berlin Wall Speech
Period: to
Moscow Summit
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Soviet Union Collapses