VA/US History Timeline

  • Reservation System (Mid 1800's)

    -Indians were forced off their lands onto smaller and smaller reservations
  • Gabe Prosser Revolt

    • Led slave revolts in Richmond, VA.
  • Period: to

    Age of the Common Man

    • Time when democracy in the U.S expanded and more people got involved in the electoral process.
    • Americans no longer let aristocrats make all the decisions.
  • Missouri Compromise

    • Divided the Louisiana Purchase at 36/30 -North of the line: Free -south of the line: slave
    • Missouri: slave state
    • Maine: free state
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson's Presidency

    • Indian Removal Act of 1830
    • The Trail of Tears
    • The "Tariff of Abominations"
    • South Carolina's Nullification
    • Compromise
    • The Bank War
    • The New Two-Party System
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830

    • This law was passed at Jackson's request
    • It forced all indians east of the Mississippi River to move to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma)
  • Nat Turner Revolt

    • Led Band of 80 slaves gainst 4 plantations
    • Was caught and hung
  • Battle of the Alamo

  • Battle of San Jacinto

  • U.S Annexes Texas

  • Period: to

    Mexican - American War

    • Pres. James K. Polk urged war
    • Wanted the southwest
    • Mexico wouldn't sell
    • U.S defeated mexico easily, gains the southwest.
  • CA Gold Rush

    • 1848: Gold was discovered
    • "'49'ers" rushed to CA
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    • 1st women's rights convention
    • Seneca Falls, NY
    • Leader: Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    • Issued Seneca Falls Declaration
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    • Part of Compromise of 1850
    • Made it easier to catch runaway slaves
    • Many Northeners refused to enforce this law
  • Compromise of 1850

    • CA entered as a free state
    • Southwestern territories would decide on their own
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Book by Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Portrayed the evils of slavery
    Was widely read
    Increased support in the North for abolition
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    • Repealed the Missouri Comp. line by giving KN and NB "popular sovereignty" -This meant they could choose
  • Dred Scott Case

    A slave named Dred Scott sued for freedom after being taken into free territory by his owner
    The Supreme Court ruled that:
    - African Americans aren't citizens so he had no right to sue
    - Congress had no right to ban slavery in the territories
    This case overturned effors to limit the spread of slavery
  • Election of 1860

    Main issue: Slavery
    Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, won
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter was in South Carolina but it remained under Union (Northern) control
    Confederates fired on Union ships that were there to resupply Fort Sumter
    This was the first battle of the Civil War
  • Homestead Act

    • Definition: Law that gave free public land in the West in 160 acre plots -Only condition: settlers had to use it for at least 5 years -Purpose: Encourage Americans to settle the West
  • Battle of Antietam

    Lee went North
    Lost at Antietam, MO
    Main effect: Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclomation
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    1. The Proclomation Free'd slaves in the "rebelling" states
    2. Effects New Northern war aim: Abolishing slavery -Not just restoring the Union Discouraged foreign intervention Lincoln started using black troops -At Frederick Douglas's urging
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Grants wins
    This cut the Confederacy in half
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    A. Basics
    Lee pushed North into Pennsylvania
    3 day battle
    Lee had to retreat
    B. Importance
    Turning point of the war
  • Gettysburg Address

    A. Basics
    Short speech by Lincoln
    Dedicating cemetary
    B. Lincoln's Key Points
    U.S was one nation, not seperate states
    The war was a struggle to preserve a nation that was:
    -dedicated to the idea that all men are created equal
    -based on gov't of, by, and for the people
    Was was a 2nd American Revolution
  • Appomattox Court House

    Lee surrendered
    April 9, 1865
    Lee urged Southerners to accept & unite as Americans
  • Period: to


    A. Definition: process of:
    -restoring the southern states to the union
    -determining the position of African Americans
    Date: 1865 - 1877
  • Lincoln's Assasination

    -By John Wilkes Booth
    -Shortly after the war
  • Knights of Labor

    Founder: Uriah Stevens
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    -Banned entry of almost all Chinese
  • Haymarket Square

    -K. of L. protest in Chicago
    -Bomb went off near police
    -8 strikers convicted
  • American Federation of Labor

    -Founder: Samuel Gampers
    1. "Craft Union": Only skilled workers
    -From multiple industries
    2. Used "collective bargaining":
    -Unions & employers negotiate
  • Dawes Act

    Goal: Americanize the Indians
    -Broke up reservations and divided them into individual plots
    -Legally abolished tribes
  • Assimilation Policy

    -Definition: plan under which Indians would be forced to adopt American culture
  • Period: to

    Progressive Movement

    The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    -Women's rights activist
    -Encouraged women to enter labor force in WWI
    -Strong leader
    -Helped gain women's right to vote
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    -Prevented "any business structure that restrained trade"
    -Goal: outlaw trusts (monopolies)
    -Wasn't successful
  • Homestead Strike

    -Carnegie Steel Plant
    -Plant manager Henry Frick called the Pinkerton Detective Agency
    -Major gun battle
  • American Railway Union

    Founder: Eugene V. Debs
    -Railroad Workers
    -"Industrial Union" : Skilled and unskilled workers
    -From one industry
  • Pullman Strike

    -By Pullman railroad workers
    -Started nationwide RR boycott
    -Fed. gov't ended it
  • Spanish-American War

    A. Cubans rebelled against Spanish rule
    B. Reasons why the US went to war against Spain:
    1. The U.S. had business and strategic interests in Cuba
    2. Yellow Journalists
    -American journalists that sensationalize Spanish brutality in Cuba
    3. The de Lome Letter
    4. American ship USS Maine exploded outside Cuba
    -Yellow press blames the Spanish
  • Treaty of Paris

    • U.S. annexed Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Phillipines
    • Cuba became free
  • Open Door Policy

    -By Secretary of State John Hay
    -Gave all nations equal trading rights in China
    -Called for fair competition
    -Goal: end U.S./European competition
    -Urged foreigners to obey Chinese law
  • Boxer Rebellion

    -By Chinese "Boxers"
    -Goal: remove foreign influence
  • Panama Canal

    -Theodore Roosevelt encouraged Panama to break from Columbia
    -Panama succeeded
    -Panama gave the U.S. rights to build a canal
    -1914: U.S. finished the canal
    -Connected the Atlantic and the Pacific
  • Platt Amendment

    -U.S. asserted the right to intervene in Cuban affairs
  • Roosevelt Collary

    -TR added to the Monroe Doctrine
    -reminded Europe not to interfere
    -said U.S. would use force to protect its interests in Latin America
  • 16th Amendment

    Ammendment that gives Congress the power to collect taxes on income without apportioning it among the states.
  • 17th Amendment

    -Voters elect Senators
    (not state legislatures)
  • WWI

    I. War Erupted in Europe (1914)
    A. The Sides
    1. Allies
    -Britain, France, Russia, etc.
    2. Central Powers
    -Germany, Austria Hungary, etc.
    B. Stalemate developed
  • Federal Trade Commission Act

    -Investigates business practices
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    -Expanded Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    -Outlaws price fixing
    -Exempts union from Sherman Act
  • U.S. enters WWI

    A. Reasons for entering
    1. German submarine warfare
    -On U.S. ships bound for England
    -Ex.) Luistania
    2. Zimmerman Telegram
    -Suggested German/Mexican against the U.S.
    3. U.S. had close ties with Britain
  • 14 Points

    I. Wilson's Fourteen Points
    -His peace plan
    A. Goal
    -Eliminate the cause of war
    B. Key Ideas:
    1. Self-Determination
    -Ethnic groups would decide what country they want to be a part of
  • 19th Amendment

    -Gave women the right to vote
  • Immigration Restriction Act

    -Put a quota of how many immigrants could come from each country
    -Allowed more from "Old Immigrants" areas than "New Immigrants"
    -Effect: Basically ended immigration for several decades
  • President Hoover

    The economy was boomking during the 1920's while 2 Republicans had been president so the people stayed with the Republican Party.
  • Black Tuesday

    Stock market crashed.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    Time of severe economic hardship in the US.
  • New Deal

    • FDR's new programs to deal with the Depression
  • President Roosevelt

    • Promised a New Deal
    • He rallied a frightened nation
    • Said "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself"
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; FDIC

    • Insures bank deposits
    • Regulates banks
  • Social Security Act

    • Biggest New Deal program
    • Provides safeguards for workers:
      • Disability and unemployment compensation
      • Old-age pensions
  • Dust Bowl

    Horrible drought on the Great Plains.
  • Congress of Industrial Organizations

    New Union that organized workers in industrial unions.
  • Wagner Act

    • Protected workers rights to farm unions and engage in collective bargaining
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    • Set maximum work hours and minimum wage