V.V. timeline for library

By velia08
  • Potty Training

    Potty Training
    My mother says that she would sit me on my potty and hand me the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book
  • Pre-k

    I started pre-k in August. We would read several books one of my favorites was Brown Bear, Brown Bear
  • Kindergarten

    Goldi locks and the three bears was read to me by older children.
  • The Giving Tree

    The Giving Tree
    Read the giving tree in classroom. I was in third grade.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    My fourth grade teacher introduced us to Harry Potter. We read the book in class. We dressed up like characters from the book for the book parade
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    We were assigned to read The Giver. At first I wasn't too excited but after reading a few pages I could not put it down. I was addicted. This happened my eighth grade year.
  • Junior English

    Junior English
    Read The Crucible and watched the movie in class.
  • Began to read to Aaron!

    Began to read to Aaron!
    I began to read to Aaron when he was about 6 months. The first book I read to him was Love you Forever
  • Love stories

    Love stories
    I began to read Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. I finished this book very quickly and when to watch the movie as soon as it came out. The book was 10 times better!
  • Working in the Classroom

    Working in the Classroom
    I worked in a classroom as a teacher assistant for second grade. During read aloud the teacher read the book Crysanthemum. Fell in love with it.
  • Classroom

    We read If you give a Pig a Pancake during read aloud. The kids really enojoyed it.
  • Aaron's Choice

    Aaron's Choice
    We went to a school's book fair and he chose Even Monsters Need Hair Cuts. Its one of his favorite books.
  • Literature Class

    Literature Class
    I took an english literature class. Throughout the class we read several short stories. Nathanial Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown and Edgar Allen Poe's The Masque of the Red Death were two of my favorites.
  • Hunger Games

    I saw the movie Hunger Games! Loved it, I plan on reading the book soon.
  • Spanish Book

    Spanish Book
    I read the book "El Alquimista" during the drive to Florida.