Utah's History

  • Brigham Young entered the Utah Valley

    Brigham Young entered the Utah Valley
    Brigham Young and the pioneers entered into the Utah Valley.
  • Utah University

    Utah University
    Utah University is opened in Salt Lake City Utah.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The Transcontinental Railroad meets in Promotory Point in Utah.
  • Women

    Women gained the right to vote in Utah.
  • Edmunds Act

    Edmunds Act
    The Edmunds Act was approved in Utah.
  • Formal Acceptance

    Formal Acceptance
    The LDS Church accepted the Manifesto in Salt Lake City Utah.
  • Utah became a state

    Utah became a state
    Utah officially became a state.
  • Open Pit Copper Mining

    Open Pit Copper Mining
    The starting of the Open Pit Copper Mining happened in Bingham Canyon.
  • State Capitol

    State Capitol
    The State Capitol was finished in Utah.
  • Bryce Canyon

    Bryce Canyon
    Bryce Canyon was established September 15, 1928.