Utah History

By hipo
  • The first Mormons left Nauvoo

    The first Mormons left Nauvoo
  • John C. Fremont began his expedition to Colorado Mountains and Utah in search of a railroad route over the Central Rockies.

    John C. Fremont began his expedition to Colorado Mountains and Utah in search of a railroad route over the Central Rockies.
  • The US Congress outlawed polygamy for the 1st time

    The US Congress outlawed polygamy for the 1st time
  • The Transcontinental Railroad was completed

    The Transcontinental Railroad was completed
  • David King Udall was called to be the Mormon bishop in St. Johns

    David King Udall was called to be the Mormon bishop in St. Johns
  • The Manofesto was written

    The Manofesto was written
  • The Scofield Mine Disaster

    The Scofield Mine Disaster
  • Utah's State Capital was built

    Utah's State Capital was built
  • When the Great depression started to start

    When the Great depression started to start
  • Ends Prohibition

    Ends Prohibition