USSR + West 1945-56

By df3star
  • USSR's problem w/ Germany

    -invaded twice by Ger in first half of 20th century, losses incalcuable = security
    -Germany's dominance of central EU, potential economic + military strength, wealth =security + economic
    -Stalin wanted Russian zone developed as buffer = security
    -Soviet determination to extract heftiest reparations possible from Ger, Br + USA allowed USSR to extract limited reparations from their zones = economic
  • Motives + Aims of W Govs to USSR

    -Before WW2 USA not motivated to spread democracy beyond borders, after it changed-Truman convinced only capitalism + democracy would guarantee stability of world order, USSR WR threat
    -primary aim political stability-Churchill + Roosevelt wanted to maintain Grand Alliance + work w/ Stalin
    -Stalin clear he was going to influence E EU, Truman insisted he follow the Declaration, Stalin found it hypocritical due to Japan = antagonism
  • The Moscow Conference of Minister

    -June 1945 Stalin told German Communists of "two Germanies"
    -1945 suggested "moment has come to reach into W zones", hesitant
    -1946 he told Yugoslavs "all Germany must be ours"
    -Next 18 months Stalin managed Communist control over the Soviet part of Ger
    -Violence in E Ger created fear + suspicion preventing success
    -Compromise over reparations breaking down- Br + USA wished to delay deliveries to USSR for Ger economic recovery
    -Bizonia + Deutchmark created, USSR threatened + tried to destroy
  • Cominform

    -Communist Information Bureau, exerting Soviet influence + co-ordinate policies + tactics of communist parties + satellite states + W EU
    -no co-op w/ moderate socialist parties
    -successful in Stalinising E EU
  • Truman Doctrine

    -Feb 1946 Kennan's "Long Telegram", based pn USSR's insecurity, insisted USA pursued long term Containment
    -1947 Truman Doctrine, commitment of US gov containing spread of Communism = main driving force in W foreign policy in Cold War
    -immediate response to communist insurgence in Greece + Turkey-forced to act after Br gov no longer able to support from Feb 1947
    -USA leading role in implementing containment
  • Period: to

    Marshall Aid

    -Truman hoped declaration of containment would suffice
    -Secretary of State Marshall thought there was more needed, oversaw drawing up of Eu recovery-$13bil spent to revive economies, 10% of US budget 48-51-improving living standards
    -sub motivation to undermine Soviet control-tempting them w/ financial aid
    -rebuilding Ger within sectors
    -1948 Deutschmark-Soviet not allowed to reverse
    -Berlin Airlift response to BB 1948, establishment of FRG-W Berlin showcasing capitalism="economic miracle"
  • USSR Aims

  • West (USA) Aims

    -Political stability
  • Pro-Moscow Governments in East EU

    -Stalin's treatment of satellites direct defiance of Declaration, Soviet authority imposed
    -Stalin refused to withdraw Red Army until pro Soviet regimes established- "whoever occupies a territory also imposes his own social system"
    -force and threats used, and elections rigged to produce Communist majorities
    -purges occured to ensure countries would remain loyal to Moscow-"slicing the salami"
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    -W determined strong independent W Ger
    -London Foreign Ministers' Conf authorised W Ger to draft constitution on 7 June 1948
    -Deutschmark W zones 20 June, Stalin responded w/ Ostmark in Soviet zone, allies extended use of Deutschmark in W Berlin
    -Stalin cut off road, water + rail links + electricity + fuel to W Berlin, dependent on them
    -Stalin protecting USSR, USA saw as violation, Berlin pivotal, Lenin "Berling=Ger=EU=world"
    -Stalin believed he could force W to abandon plans
    -GDR -> FRG
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade response

    -2.3 tonnes of food, coal + necessities, 2000 tonnes a day
    -lifts blockade as not prepared to go to war
    -failure of Blockade=moral defeat for Stalin
  • Comecon

    -representatives of Bulgaria, Cz, Hungary, Poland, Romania + USSR set up Council for Mutual Economic Assistance-aim to organize economic cooperation-dominated by USSR
    -counterweight to Marshall Plan
    -nations behind Iron Curtain wanted to sign up for Marshall Aid, political control
    -paper organisation until late 1950s, couldn't compete w/ Marshall Plan + failed with control
  • Soviet Control examples + reactions

    -USSR nuclear power
    -Cominform-sovietisation of satellite states-combat Titoism
    -threatens w/ Red Army
    -ban on joining hostile alliance =NATO
    -make countries reliant on USSR, asking leaders to go there
    / - People's Republic of China established
    -America developed hydrogen bomb
    -McCarthyism in USA = witchhunt of communists in USA
  • NATO

    -military alliance committed USA to use of military means to defend status quo in W EU against Soviet aggression-success of Soviet atomic bomb in Aug 1949 + Communist revolution in China Oct 1949=USA fearful
    -Korean War 1950, NATO full scale alliance-USA escalating commitment to containing
    -W Ger incorporated in NATO 1955-Soviet responded w/ Warsaw Pact-security dilemma
  • Successes of W govs?

    -greatest disappointment=unavoidable acceptance of Soviet domination E EU
    -despite offering USA money to USSR to rebuild + indulging in "atomic diplomacy" to threaten Stalin, W govs had to accept Soviet control of Iron Curtain
    -containing communism beyong IC success,USA unrivalled leadership of W govs, united by fear of Red Army
    -W/ strong support from USA, W govs succeeded in restoring stability across W EU + established democratic + capitalist govs who had ties to USA=9% growth per annum