Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev
communist of party General Secretary. At age 54 he is younger than other leaders and is all about change. this creates a better feel from teh Soviet union. he leads a revolution. "perestroika" which means reconstruction is what he intends to do. -
Boris Yeltsin
Gorbachev appoints Boris yeltsin as head of Moscow communist party. he also appoints Shervardnadze so they can work towards a liberal and dynamic society. They are now able to work together to create their vision. Yeltsin begins removing officials and privileges in moscow. -
Gorbachev goes to Communists' central Committee to discuss political and economic reforms. He has all kind of support everyewhere, especially since his book was published, wondering if he can pull it off. Yeltsin also loses office for criticising Gorbachev and saying he goes to slow. -
OOPS Perestroika
newspaper, Sovetskaya Rossiya, says to resist gorbachev's reforms. In baltic states independence is bcoming a huge idea. there is huge unrest in these states as they fight for independence. -
Gorbachev Reforms
Yeltsin wins election for new parliament. Live television is so popular it is taken off air so workers don't stop working. All of soviet is out of afghanistan. Peaceful protesters in Georgia are killed by soviet soldiers but they deny it. -
Warsaw pact countries can decide own features. Lech Walesa's soliditary movement beat communists in poland. Walesa has his office in august. Protests begin with people who are willing to risk their lives for change. Hungary opens border to the west in september. Perestroika pours into the west. -
Berlin wall crumbles.
The berlin wall is torn down in display of "people power". Gorbachev sits idle as the wall falls. The velvet revoliton takes place in czechoslovakia. Vacla Havel is president of Czachoslovakia. President of romania and his wife are executed on christmas day for ruthlessness. Gorbachev is losing popularity. Perestroika disasitfaction is spreading. -
Baltic states
The baltic states are still an option and Gorbachev tries to win their support. Soviet Union breaks up demonstration in Azerbaijan and kill at least 100. Gorbachev calls on parliament for multi-party politics. -
Yeltsin leaves communists
Yeltsin resigns from the cummunist party. Ukraine, Armenia, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan declare sovereignty. In October orbacehv wins Nobel Peace Prize. attempts to merge a radical reform package and Nikolai Ryzhkov's plans for economic disrought at home. His plan completely dissatisfied everyone. In december he says a "firm" rule is needed. Gorbachev shifts to hardline policies. -
Yeltsin is president
Russians are allowed to vote for own president so they choose Yeltsin. Him and Gorbachev are working from the Kremlin. Soviet troops killed protestors in Lithuania and latvia. -
Coup Begins
Gorbachev is soon due to sign a deal with republics giving them greater freedom. Tanks occupy moscow and emergency law is imposed as newspapers are closed. Gorbachev declines declaring state of emergency so he is put om house arrest and remains isolated until the fall of the coup. They say he is ill. Protesters protect building from being stormed. Publicly anounces that he detests coup plotters. -
Gorbachev returns
He rreturns from Crimea. Coup collapsed on wieght of public opposition. Yeltsin plans on ruining Gorbachev. Yeltsin orders communist party off of russian soil. Gorbachev resigns the whole party after that. -
USSR gone
The soviet union is officially completely disbanded.