• Revolutions

    In 1917, Rasputin the last tsar of Russia was assasinated. At that time, Russia had economic, social (famine) and political problems (assasination of Rasputin). This situation created a lot of tension, therfore socialist revolution happened. It was the Febuary Revolution, and it led to the formation of the Russian Provisionary Government.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    After the socialist movement, a more radicial revolution broke out, which was the Bolshevik Revolution. Its main members were Lenin, Stalin and Trockij. The Bolsheviks were able to took control over the city of Petrogard (7th of November) and the succession, Lenin announced the transition of power to the congress of soviets
  • Red against White

    A civil war broke out in 1918 and it ended in 1921
  • Stalin

    Stalin became the Chief Secretary of the Communist Party in 1921
  • The birth of the USSR

    After the Polish Russian war and the introduction of the war communism, the USSR was formed in 1922. With the introduction of war communism, the planned economy was created which avoided market economy. Also companies and banks were nationalized, and the peasanst also had to give up their surplus, which led to a famine. 20 million people died.
  • Constitution of the USSR

    A dictatorship was introduced. The legislative body became the All-Soviet Congress and the executive body was called the Executive Comittee.
  • The death of Lenin

    Lenin died due to stroke, however there are conspiracies that Stalin himself posioned him. This actually would make sense, because later, Stalin's favourite weapon became poisoning. Also Lenin mentioned in his will that under no circumstances le Stalin assume his power after his death.
  • The first five year plan

    The first five year plan was introduced in 1928. This new economy had irrational expectation, which resulted in famine (again)
  • Another Famine

    Between 1932 and 1933 7-10 million people died due to famine. This was due to the forced industrialisation and the lack of agriculture.
  • KGB

    Foreign intelligence and domestic security of the Soviet Union.