U.S.History Timeline Project

  • U.S. used the first atomic bomb (Cold War)

    The use of the first atomic bomb was very significant. With the atomic bomb, the United States had detterance and was now a major threat to the other nations that were fighting in the Cold War. The use of the atomic bomb proved the strength of the United States military.
  • Democratic Republic of Vietnam Created (Vietnam war)

    Ho Chi Minh created the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi. This devided Vietnam into North and South Vietnam.
  • Yalta Conference (Cold War)

    At this conference the "Big Three" got together to decide the fate of Europe after World War II. This was significant because it was tghe begining of uneasy alliances with the Soviets agreeing with the United States.
  • Iron Cutain Speech (Cold War)

    With this speech Winston Churchill stated that Europe was separated in half by capitalism, and communism. This was significant becasue it showed the separation in Europe of the regions, and the different political views.
  • French Army returns to Vietnam (Vietnam war)

    The French were not happy with Ho Chi Minh and his new control over areas of Vietnam. He created the Viet Minh, a guerilla type army that used non-conventional tactics to beat the French.
  • Truman Doctrin (Cold War)

    This was set up becuase Greece and Turkaey had begun to fall to communism. Truman's plan was to put money into Greece and Turkey, in order to stop this. This was significant because it was part of the containment policy for the United States.
  • The Second Red Scare (Cold War)

    This was the fear of communism that sooread throughout the United States. With the Red Scare, many people were blacklisted for being said to be involved in the communist party. This was significant because it showed the United States fear with communism.
  • Marshall Plan (Cold War)

    This plan was an extension from the Truman Doctrine. It was established in order to prevent communism from spreading. The significance of this was to aud any country that wanted to hold free elections and self government. This was establushed to prevent communism.
  • Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia (Cold War)

    This event was significant because the United States goal was containment. In order to prevent communism from spreading, the United States became involved in the Cold War. With communism taking over Czechoslovakia, it made containment more difficult for the United States.
  • Communist takes Czechoslovakia (Cold War)

    The Communists took over Czechoslovakia and this was a major concern to the U.S. The main fear was that as soon as one nation falls they all fall. The U.S. really steped up their game after this to prevent even further spread of communism.
  • Soviet's first atomic bomb

    The Soviets using an atomic bomb was significant because it levaled the playing field between the U.S. and the Soviets. Now the race began to find a better weapon to establish deterance again.
  • McCanan Internal Security Act (Cold War)

    This act requited members of communist organization to register with the attorney general. Any citizens found participating in communist acts would lose citisenship. This was significant becasue it showed the fear of the United States during this time.
  • Rosenberg Executions (Cold War)

    The Rosenberg couple was executed because they were believed to be communist spys. It was a very quick trial because there were so many people afraid of communism and any type of threat was put down quickly. This showed the rash decisions people were making during this time.
  • French are defeated (Vietnam War)

    They were defeated at Dien Bien Phu. General Giap commanded the Vietnamese forces that beat the French. This led to more U.S. involvement in Vietnam (Vietnam War)
  • Brown vs. Board of Education (Civil Rights)

    This was a court ruling that said that separate but equal was not equal. Separate but equal was said to be uncnstitutional.
  • The CIA establishes in Saigon. (Vietnam war)

    The CIA started a military mission in Saigon because the French had just lost to the Vietnamese. The U.S. thought it was important to control this area.
  • Till Case (Civil Rights)

    Emett Till was a black boy in Mississippi. He was beaten up and killed for whisteling at a white woman. His case was significant because the men accused got away with the murder. This is significant becasue it shows how unconstitutional the court system was.
  • Montgomary Bus Boycott (Civil Rights)

    The Montgomary Bus Boycott began when a black woman, Rosa Parks Refused to guve up her seat to a white man. As a result of the boycott, the buses began to lose buisness, and eventually desegregated all buses.
  • Hungary Rebellion (Cold War)

    The rebellion in Communist Hungary was put down and Egypt took control of the Suez Canal but the U.S. refused to help take it back. This was significant because the U.S. had offered services to any nation battling communism, but they didn't follow through this time.
  • Little Rock (Civil Rights)

    The Little Rock nine event was the first school in Arkansas to be desegregated. This was significant because it was a start to desegregation in schooling and education.
  • Sputnik Launched

    It was important when Sputnik was launched because it showed that the Soviets had better technology at the time and the U.S. had to step up and begin the space race.
  • The first American death in Vietnam (Vietnam war)

    The U.S. was having an increased presence in Vietnam and this was the day that the first soldier died in combat in Vietnam.
  • Sit-In Movement (Civil Rights)

    The sit in movements were non-violent resistance to segregation. This was signoficant becasue it resulted in small victories, which proved that there would be an end to segregation.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion (Cold War)

    The Bay of Pigs was when the U.S. trained Cubans to invade Cuba because the Soviets had weapons on Cuba. Unfortunately this was a major fail for the U.S. and they had to retreat in shame.
  • Freedom Rides (Civil Rights)

    The freedom rides were set up to confront the resistance to desegragation, specifically in the deep south. This event was significant because it was successful in the upper south, in improving desegregation.
  • Berlin Wall (Cold War)

    Construction of the Berlin wall began on this day. This led to the extreme isolation of the people inside the wal and an airlift was necessay for the U.S. to deliver goods to these people that were being caged like animals for almost a whole year.
  • March on Washington (Civil Rights)

    This march consisted of 250,000 people who gathered, protesting desegregation. This event was significant becasue it was widely televised, and had support from some famous Americans.
  • Bombing at Birmingham (Civil Rights)

    This was a bombing at Baptist church were a civil rights meeting was taking place. This event was significant because it showed the amount of violence that could come out of segregation.
  • Abolition of 24th Amendment (Civil Rights)

    The 24th ammendment was established in order to put a poll tax on voting. THis prohibited poor black people from voting. With the abolition of the 24th amendment it made it possible for more black people to vote.
  • Trade Embargo (Vietnam War)

    South vietnam put a trade embargo on North Vietnam because the north had been attacking the south. This further separated them.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Civil Rights)

    This act was established as a result from discrimination in the south. The act was significant becasue it banned discrimination in public, increased voting rights and school desegregation, and established equal employment opportunity for blacks.
  • Selma to Montgomomary March (Civil Rights)

    This was a 54 mile march after efforts were made to block blacks from registering to vote. This was significant because it showed the strength of the black people and showed that everyone had an equal right to vote.
  • Bloody Sunday (Civil Rights)

    This event was when 500-600 marchers were beat by troopers. The event was significant because it was televised. This shifted the national opinion that segreagation was a state of terrorism.
  • Voting Rights Avt of 1965 (Civil Rights)

    This Act was introduced by Lyndon B Johnson. It was significant because it outlawed literacy tests as a qualification for voting, and outlawed denying the right to vote based on race or color. This was significant because it alowed more blacks to vote.
  • Assasination of Martin Luther King Jr. (Civil Rights)

    This event was very significant for the Civil Rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr. signified the NAACP, and the black movement for freedom. When he was killed it proved that there had to be a change made. This influenced people to change their oppinion on segregation, and fight for desegregation.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Civil Rights)

    This event was significant becasue it ended discrimination in public housing. This allowed blacks to be able to buy houses, and not be charged higher prices.
  • Nixon wants to withdraw troops (Vietnam war)

    This was the first time Nixon announces he will be taking troops out of South Vietnam. Unfortunately he was lying to the American people and the war was actually still going on and even expanding.
  • Protest against war (Vietnam War)

    Over 250,000 people demonstrated against the war in Washington D.C. There were many more demonstrations to follow.
  • Kent State University (Vietnam War)

    Four students were killed at the university when the National Guardsmen open fired on them. This led to over 100 colleges closed due to student riots just two days later.
  • Christmas Bombing of Hanoi (Vietnam War)

    The United States bombed the city of Hanoi on Christmas day to catch them off guard because there were major trading areas there.
  • Paris cease-fire agreement (Vietnam War)

    The U.S. and North Vietnam signed cease-fire agreements that ended America's combat role in war. The U.S. Military draft ends after this.
  • Saigon Falls (Vietnam War)

    Siagon falls so the last Americans evacuated and it was the last American combat death in the Vietnam war.
  • Ending of the war (Vietnam war)

    The North Vietnamese forces take over Saigon, and South Vietnam surrenders to the north. This ended the war and reunified the country under communist control. Also, the U.S. extended the embargo to all of Vietnam.
  • Vietnam invades Cambodia (Vietnam War)

    Vietnam invaded Cambodia and got rid of Khmer Rouge. This lead to many western European countries and non-communist Asian nations to support the U.S. in the embargo against Vietnam.
  • Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Vietnam War)

    "The Wall" was dedicated to the Vietnam veterans and all those who passed. It is in Washington D.C.