USHIST2 1876-1900

  • Rutherford B Hayes

    Rutherford B Hayes
    Nineteenth President of the United States who Helped reform the nation after the toll of the civil war. His political party was Republican.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    A Native American Victory over the U.S. Army in the battle between George Custer and his men against Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    The Great Railroad Strike was a failed strike of railroad workers wanting higher wages. It lead to the creation of the first labor unions.
  • Edison's Patton

    Edison's Patton
    Edison and his team of researchers patented the first electric lamp with a carbon filament light bulb.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Congress pass the Chinese Exclusion Act which kept chinese immigrants from entering into the country after mass migration.
  • Jacob Riis "How the Other Half Lives"

    Jacob Riis "How the Other Half Lives"
    Jacob Riis publishes his work describing the harsh conditions people were living in the New York slums.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    Most famous and bloodiest battle of the Spanish-American war. The Americans won the battle near santiago, Cuba. Later, President Theodore Roosevelt was awarded the Medal of Honor.
  • Gold Standard Act

    Gold Standard Act
    This act made Gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money and prevented bimetallism. The act was signed into law by President WIlliam Mckinley.