NATO and Warsaw pact
NATO and warsaw made a pack made a pact to not fight because if they teamed up they thought they could win the war. -
berlin wall
The berlin wall was but in to divide western russia where it was free and were free to do what you want when u want, as in soviot berlin you could only do a limited amound of things. there was no freedom. Since this was the case people from the the east escaped to the west. the soviot relized what was happening so they put a wall to divide the 2 sides. people risked there lives to get across the wall and only some people made it. -
cuba missile chrisest
the cuban missile chrisest was when the us and cuba were agenst one another because the us dident like the way fidel castro was running things. when he captured some us soliders the us made homeing missiles aimed right at cuba. if the missile was shot it could have taken out all of cuba -
korean conflict
the korean conflict was when north korea and south korea were fighting for land and to take over the country. they fought back and forth and gained land and lost land. they still have a conflicts today -
nuclear arms race
the nuclear arms race was a time where people were scared for the longest time to do anything because they were afraid that the war was gona turn into all out nuclear war. almost every country had a nuclear bomb, enough to wipe out most of the population. the us alone tested over 1000 nuclear bombs. -
chinese cival war
this was a time where noeth and south china were fighting for land and would win and lose land back and forth untill they split it evenly and are still at conflict today -
vietnam conflict
when the us joined the vietnam war it turned bloddy. there was so many deaths the us had to conduct a draft that required all us men to sighn up. some of the men that dident ant to moved to a different country and never came back. -
soviets in afghanistan
on jan 1st 1979 the soviets invaded afghanistan because they were doing terrostic things to there country. The us saw this as an opproutunity to help afghanistian. when we helped they cu]rushed russia and they sent the soviets home. -
eastern european independence
eastern europe wanted independence and freedom, but there goverment dident want that so the people protested to get what they want -
soviot union falls
the us had finally defeated the soviot union and they flexd back to russia us winning the war