US2012-Semester 1- Salisbury

  • Socialism

    A movement called socialism spread throughout Europe.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse's telegraph sends the first meggae to Washington,D.C.
  • Free Soil

    Th free soild Party was formed by opponents of slavery and hey wanted to prevent the expansion of slavery into western territories.
  • California, Free?

    california tries to enter the Union as a free state threatemimg the balance of free and slave states. They decided that California would be free but all of the other land acquired from Mexico would be put to a popular vote, undoing the Missouri Compromise.
  • Kansa-Nebraska Act

    The congress had to pass an act splitting up Nebraska into Kansa and Nebraska and letting each of them vote weather to be free or slave states.People from both sides flocked to these states to try and sway the vote.
  • Dred Scott

    An enslaved african American sued for his freeedom because he lived in a free state for 4 years still as a slave. Scott lost but this caused an uproar of people seeing the injust of the justic system.
  • Oil Well

    Edwin Drake drilled the very first oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania.
  • Charles Darwin

    charles darwin ppublished "On the Origin of Species" which argued for natural slection.
  • Presidential Election

    With Kansa undecided of being free or slave, and the Dred Scott trials still fresh in everyones minds, this election was gping to be a powerful one. The four canidates running are Stephen Douglas, John Breckinridge, John Bell, and Abraham Lincoln.
  • Licoln wins

    Lincoln wins the elcetion and now there is an uproar in the south. First, South Carolina secedes and then six other states followed, because of the win of Licoln.
  • South Carolina

    Right after the election of 1860 South Carolina was secsding from the Union.
  • Civil War

    From 1861 to 1865, the civil war was going on, which was against the Union, North, and the Confederatacy, South.
  • President Lncoln

    A few days after Fort Sumter, Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers to fight against the Confederacy.
  • Confederacy

    The seven seceding states formed the Confederate States of America. They made their consitiution but prohibited imports of slavery but could still have salves, this won over Britian and France.
  • War measures

    Lincoln decides that ending slavery was a war measure. He then issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in the rebeling states.
  • Gettysberg

    Union troops beat Lee in the Battle of Gettysberg, this is a huge turning point in the war, and they desroy a thrid of Lee's troops.
  • Confederate Surrendered

    The confederacy was exhausted, so when the Union troops captured the Confederat capital Lee surrendered.
  • Assassination

    Lincoln was assassinated at a movie theater with his wife. Adrew Johnson became president.
  • 13th Amendment

    Johnson got the 13th amendment passed whiched ended slavery.
  • 14th Amendment

    The 14th amendment gave everyone born in the US citizenship.
  • Labor Union

    Uriah Smith Stephens founded a labor union called "The Knights of Labor"
  • Number of corparations

    Number of corporations in America increased dramaticly, they were an important part of industrial capitolism, or the economic free-market system centered around industries.
  • Yellowstone

    Yellowstone national park was created by the government because they were concerned about the enviroment.
  • Railroad Strikes

    Cut wages forced railroad workers to go on strike thus setting the scene for violent strkes to come.
  • Safety Elevator

    Elisha Otis deveolops a safety mechanism to prevent elevators from falling.
  • Railroads

    Three transcontinetal railroad lines, this helped transport food to large areas of the continent.
  • AFL

    Samual Gompers formed the American Federation of Labor.
  • ICC

    Untited State Senate created the Interstate Commerce Commission to over see railroad operations.
  • Homestead Strike

    Because of the economic depresssiong workers pay was cut causing a standeoff between the striking workers and the owners, the strikers ended up losing.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman cut wages and forced workers to live in town near by, workers sent a note to negotiate prices and Pullman reasponed by firing three workers and shutting down a plant.
  • Matthew Josephson

    (Born 1899-1978) was the politcal and economical historian who coined the phrase "robber barons"