
US2012-Semester 1--0-Garcia

By Munster
  • Free-Soil Party was formed

    Free-Soil Party was formed
    Northern opponents of slavery formed it to prevent the expansion of slavery into the western territories.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California was admitted as a free state but in the other territory aquired from Mexico, voters would decide the slavery issue themselves.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin was published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin was published
    A powerful story about slavery
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Which divides the Nebrask Territory into kansas and nebraska.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    Supreme Court rules that federal government does not have power to outlaw slavery within territories.
  • State Convention

    State Convention
    Meeting in charleston, without a dissenting vote, the convention declated that "the union now subsistion between south carolina and the other states, under the name of the "United states of america" is herebu dissolved.
  • Fort Sumter war

    Fort Sumter war
    southern states seceded, they seized the federal forts
  • Confederate States of America established

    Confederate States of America established
    Seven seceding states
  • Lincoln sworn into office as president

    Lincoln sworn into office as president
    went into office
  • The Battle Of Gettysburg

    The Battle Of Gettysburg
    It destroyed one third of Lee's forces and marked the last major Confederate attempt to invade the North.
  • Lincoln's Gettysburg Address speech

    Lincoln's Gettysburg Address speech
    Lincoln used the occasion to reaffirm the ideas for which the Union was fighting.
  • Abraham Lincoln Was Assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln Was Assassinated
    He was shot in the head. Vice president Andrew Johnson became president.