Free-Soil Party is formed
The Free-Soiled party wanted to prevent the expansion of slavery into wester territorries. -
California enters Union as a free state
In 1850 California applied to enter the Union as a free state, threatening the balance of power between slave states and free states et the State. To ease southern concerns, Congress debated and then passed the Compromise of 1850. According to this measure, California was admitted as a free state. -
The Republican Party emerges, New Rep Party.
Opposition to slavery led to the creation of the new Republican Party in 1854. Republicans included abolitionists, anti slavery business leaders, and northeners who argued that the Fugitive Slave Act intruded into state politics. -
American Institue of Architecture
In these years , architecture evolved. So the AIA was established to practice architecture. -
First department store
First department store in NY opened by Rowland Macy -
First oil well
Edwin Drake drilled what became the world's first oil well, in Titusville, Pennslyvania. -
Book "On the origin of species" published
Biologist Charles Darwin published this book, arguing that animals evolved by a process of natural selection and that only the fittest survived to reproduce. -
On the origins of species
Book published by Charles Darwin talking about evolution -
Abraham Lincoln elected president
Abe Lincoln won the election after competing against Bell, Breckinridge, and Douglas. But he was sworn president in March 4 1861. -
States from the south seceed from the Union.
Southerners were outraged that a President could be elected without a single souther vote, therefore, they seceded. The first state was South Carolina, in december 20, 1860. In the next few weeks six other states of the Deep South seceded. -
Kansas enters the Union as a free state
After killing and violence, and after being named "Bleeding Kansas", Kansas enters the Union as a free state. -
The Confedaraty in Formed.
The Confedaraty is formed in February 1861, the seven seceding states established the Confederate States of America. Then they proceeded to frame a constitution for the new government. The Confederate constitution closely resembles the U.S. Constitution. -
Emancipation Proclamation is issued
Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, this presidential degree declares that all the slaves are free. -
Congress passes a draft law.
Congress passes a draft law in 1863, requiring all able-bodied men between the ages of 20 and 45 to serve in the military if called. -
The most severe riot took place in NYC
Due to the draft law, a severe riot took place in NYC. White workers attacked free African Americans as well as the wealthy New Yorkers who were able to pay a fee to avoid military service. -
The war ends
In the fall of 1864, Union general William T. Sherman led more than 60 000 troops on a 400mile march of destruction through Georgia and South Carolina. The march was part of a strategy of total war, wich targeted not only troops but all of the ressources needed to feed, clothe, and support in the army. Sherman's army destroyed everything. -
The Confederaty is exhausted.
Union troops captured the Confederate capital. On april 9, Lee surrendered to Grant. -
The civil war ends
The civil war ended with the Union victorious. The north and South then faced the challenge of reunion. -
Abraham Lincoln Assassinated
Abe Lincoln was assassinated, therefore, Vice President Andrew Johnson became President. -
Elavated transit
Ny installs elevated transit with steam driven engines -
African Americans are acquiring basic literacy
By 1869, as many as 300 000 African American adults and children are acquiring basic literahy. The schools quickly filled. -
Knights of Labor
Knights of Labor founded by Uriah Smith -
Chicago Fire
A fire in Chicago occured, destroying everything and making a lot of homeless people. -
Creation of Yellowstone park
Creation of the Yellowstone park in 1872 was one of the first federal responses to concerns about environment. -
SF new cars
San Fransisco installs steam driven cable cars -
Election of 1876 ends Reconstitution
The presidential election of 1876 signaled the end of Reconstruction. Democratic candidate Samuel tilden won more popular votes than the Republican candidate Rutherford Hayes, but the electoral vote was in dispute. -
First telephone kind of
Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone -
Light bulb invention
Thomas Edison perfected the light bulb -
Chinese exclusion act
Limited the rights of chinese immigrants in the US -
Invention of time zones
Delegates from 27 countries divided the globe into 24 time zones, one for each hour of the day. -
Worlds first roller coaster
Lamarcus Thompson invented roller coaster, ten cents the ride. -
American federation of labor
Samuel Gompers creates the AFL Union -
Haymarket riot
Strike against government -
Creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission
The United States Senate created that to oversee railroad operations. -
ICC creation
Interstate commerce commission created by the united states senate to oversee railroad activities -
Great rail road strike
Strike against government -
Richmond new cars
Richmond introduces streetcars powered by overhead electric cable -
Sherman Antitrust Act
The Senate passed the Act, wich outlawed any trusts that operated in restraint of trade or commerce amoung several states. -
Jacob Riis wrights about tenenments
JR draws attention on tenenments, dissing them. -
Basketball invented
James Naismith inveted basketball at the Springfield YMCA. -
Homestead strike
Strike economic depression -
Processing center for immigrants open
Processing center for immigrants open at Ellis Island -
Pullman strike
Strike -
First subway system
Boston made the cars run in a subway system to prevent traffic -
first successful airplane flight
The first successful airplane flight occured in 1903 by brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, two bycicle manufacturers, marked the birth of a new industry. -
First subway in NY
After Boston, NY does the same. -
Immigration to the US reaches its peack
title -
Processing center for immigrants open at Angel Island