It was formed by the Vigrinia company of London, and it was the first permanent English settlement in NorthAmerica. -
Start of slavery
The middle pasage which is the trip from Africa to America by boat was used to bring people who were turned to laborers. -
House of Burgesses
It was the first elected assembly in the new world and it still operates today as the general assembly. -
Mayflower Compact
It is a document where the Puritians agreed to obey the law that was created for the general good. -
French and Indian War
England and the American colonists fought against France and the indians. Both countries wanted the land west of the appalachians and in Canada -
Treaty of Paris
England gained the land west of the appalachains and in canada. -
Proclamation of 1763
England prohibited the colonists from settling west of the appalachains, in order to protect the colonists form any Indian attacks there. -
Boston Tea Party
England put restrictions on tea, so the colonists boarded tea ships in Noston and threw the tea into the water. -
Stamp Act
The British palced tax on legal documents -
Boston Massacre
A mob of anti-british demonstrators formed one evening and the British troops fired into the mod; killing 5 colonists. -
1st continetal congress
It was the meeting of reprensentatives from all the 13 colonies apart from Georgia. It was the first time all the 13 colonies acted together. -
lexington and Concord
Minutemen assembled and the Bristish troops attacked a colonial weapons stock pile; fighting erupted. -
2nd continetal congress
The continetal army was created and Geroge Washington was the general. The olive branch petition was offered to the British, but they rejected it. -
Delcaration of Independce
It was issused by the continetal congress, but was written by Thomas Jefferson who is from Virginia; the colonies were now officially seperated from England. -
Articles of Conferdation
It is the weak national gov't at the end of the revolutionary war, that the American political leaders adopted. -
Critical Period
It was the time period during which America was under the Articles of Confederation -
The French General, Marquis de Lafayette developed a paln that helped the Americans win the revolutionary war. -
The Treaty of Paris
England acknowledged America's independence -
Land ordinance of 1785
It established a plan for surveying the western lands. -
Shay's Rebellion
It was the rebellion of debt- ridden framers in Massachusetts due to hig taxes. -
Annapolis Convention
It was a meeting that was called to settle disputes among the states over commerce,but only five of them showed up. -
Constitutional Convetion
Was held in Philadephia, and both George Washington and James Madison were there. -
The Great Compromise
A two house congress was created: senate anf house of representatives.This helped to balance the power between large and small states -
Northwest Ordinance 1787
It provided the process for the creation and the admission of new states. -
3/5ths Compromise
Slaves were counted as 3/5ths of a person when determining a state's representation in the house of representatives. -
Bill of Rights Signed
the 1st ten amendments that deals with rights and liberties. -
Washington's Presidency
He is the 1st president of the United states. -
Judicary Act of 1789
This was what set up the US court's system. -
Cotton Gin
It was invented by Eli Whitney, it made growing cotton very profitable. -
Adam's Presidency
He is Fedralists who is in support of a strong national gov't, he won the election between him and Thomas Jefferson. -
Jefferson's Presidency
the 3rd president of the US and also a democratic repbulican. -
Marbury vs. MAdison
It established the power of Judicial review. Marshall, the judge of the case, declared a law unconsitutional. -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson brought the land from France, which doubled the size of the US -
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Marshall upheld the ferderal gov'ts right to establish a bank and that state couldn't tax the bank. This case also established the doctrine of implied powers. -
Susan B. Anthony
one of the leaders of the women's suffrage movements, who encouraged them to enter labor force in WW2. -
Missouri Compromise
it divided the LA purchase at 36, 30. Admitted maine as a free state and missouri as a slave state. -
Monroe Doctrine
Warned Europe against future colonization in America, and any interference in any independent country in the Western hemisphere. -
Gibbson vs. Ogden
Court over turned a steamboat monopoly and this case onfirmed the federal gov'ts power over coomerece. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, he portrayed the evils of slavery. -
Dred Scott case
He was a slave who sued for freedom after begin taken into a free territory by his owner. The case overturned efforts to limit the spreed of slavery. -
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln won the election, he was a republican who was in support for ending slavery. -
Battle of fort sumter
where the first battle of the civil war took place. -
Battle of Antietam
the battle in which Lee lost in and Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation. -
Emancipationj Proclamation
issued by pres. Lincoln after the battle of Antietnam. -
Battle of Gettysburg
It was the turning point of the war. -
Gettysburg Address
speech given by Lincoln dedicating the cemetery. -
it was the restoring of the southern states to the union and determining the position of African Americans -
Appomattox Court House
where Lee surrendered at. -
panama Canal
Panama gave the U.S. rights to build a canal, after they broke away from Colombia. -
progessive movement
it used the government to insitute reforms to fix problems caused by industrilization. -
sherman anti-trust act
prevented any business structure that restrained trade. -
Spanish-America war
Cuban rebelled against the spanish rule, and the U.S. had some interest in Cuba. -
Treaty of Paris 1898
U.S. annexed Puerto Rico,Guam,and Philippines, and Cubans became free. -
Open door policy
gave all countries equal rights in China. -
boxer rebellion
Rebellion by the Chinese to remove foregin influence from their country. -
Platt Amendment
U.S. asserted the right to intervene in Cuban affairs. -
Roosevelt Corollary
added to the Monre doctrine to remind europe not to interfere. -
Great migration
period when manyAfrican americans moved from the rural area south to north cities. -
16th amendment
created federal income tax. -
17th amendment
voters were now able to elect senators. -
Clayton Anti-trust act
Expanded sherman anti-trust act and outlawed price fixing. -
Federal Trade commission Act
created federal commission trade and investigated businesses. -
World War 1
between the alies and the central power. -
U.S. enters World War1
germany submarine warfare and the zimmermann telegram. -
14 points
Wilson's peace plan to eliminate the ause of war. -
18th amendment
banned the use of alcohol. -
Harlem Renaissance
explosion of black intellectual and cultural life. -
Treaty of Versailles
gave germany punishment, mandate system, and national boundaries were redrawn. -
19ty amendment
gave women the right to vote. -
Scopes Trial
john Scope, a TN teacher was tried for teaching evolution. -
black tuesday
the stock market crashed. -
War of 1812
The Bristish interfered with Americans shiooing and the also helped the indians in the west.