Was founded in 1607. First english settlement. -
Period: to
World History 2 Timeline
House Of Burgesses
First elected assembly. Still operates today, but is know known as the General Assembly. -
Start Of Slavery
Slaves were used all over the world. They were also different races, and used for working for others. -
Myflower Compact
A document that stated you were to obey the laws. It pledged loyalty to God, as well as the king. -
French and Indian war
Was against the English, and French. Both wanted thr land west of the Applachain, and in Canada -
Stamp Act
This imposed teaxes on colonists, to pary for troops, and war debt. -
Treaty of Paris
England won the war, and gained the land west of the Applchain, and in Canada -
Proclamation of 1763
This prohibited colonists from going west of the Applchain, and in Canada, because troops couldn't afford to protect them from the indians. This angered colonists. -
Boston Tea Party
England put resrtictions on tea, and closed the Boston harbor. Boston went under martial law. -
Lexington and Concord
British groups attacked conlonial weapons stockpile. Minutemen assembled, and war broke out. -
2nd Continenetal Congress
This created the Continental army, and George Washington was the leader. -
Boston MAssacre
This was when colonists, and British soldiers fought against one another, and 5 colonists died. -
1st Continental Congress
Meeting of representitives for all 13 colonies, and the first time all 13 acted as one.It was in Philidelphia, and urged colonies to start miltias. -
Decleration OF Independece
Written by Thomas Jefferson, it was issued by conitnental congress. -
The Treaty Of Paris
ENgland akwnowledged American independence. The united States then had boundries at the atlatic ocean, to the mississippi river. -
Cornwallis fled here, and took victory. French navy also blocked the exit of CHesapeak Bay -
Critical Period
This was the period the U.S was under the Articles Of Confederation. -
Articles Of Confederation
Was a weak government, and was the first government. -
Land Ordiance Of 1785
Established a plan for surveying Western lands. -
Annapolis Convention
This was called to settle disputes between states, but only 5 showed up -
Northwest Ordiance Of 1787
Allowed permisson for new states -
Constitutional Convention
Was in Phliadelphia, and George Washington, and James Madison were leaders. -
3/5ths Compromise
Slaves counted as 3/5 human, so the big states would get more votes. -
The Great Compromise
This created a 2-house congress, the senate, and house of representives -
Shay's Rebellion
This ridden farmers in Massachusettes due to high taxes. -
Judicary Act Of 1787
This is what set up the court system. -
Bill Of Rights Signed
Was written by James Madison, and was favored by Anti-Federalists -
Washington's Presidency
He was the first preisdent. -
Adams's Presidency
He was a federalists. He also defeated Jefferson who was a Democratic-Republic -
Jefferson's Presidency
Jefferson defeated Adams this go round. He was also a Democratic-Republic. -
Cotton GIn
Was invinted by Eli Whitney, and increased the cotton growing, and its industry -
Gabe Prosser Revolt
Was from Richmond, Virginia -
Marybury v. Madison
Marshall declared a law unconsitutional in this case, and this established the judicary review. -
Lousianna Purchase
This included land from Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountians. -
War Of 1812
The causes were British interferance with American shipping, and their help to aid indians. -
McCulloh v. Maryland
Marshall upheld the federal gov't.'s right to establish a bank, and said a state couldn't tax a bank. -
Age Of The Common Man
Time when democracy expanded in the U.S and more people got involved. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
The court overturned the steamboat, and this confirmed the federal gov'ts. powers -
Missouri Compromise
THis divided LA puchase, and made North free of slaves, and South wasn't. -
Monrone Doctrine
This was by preisdent Monrone, and warned Europe against future colonization in the America's, and interferance with any independent state in the west. -
Jackson's Presidency
At first he lost to Quincy, but then in 1828 he defeated him. -
Indian Removal Act Of 1830
Jackson passed this law, and it made all Indians move west. -
Battle Of Alamo
An old mission house where Texas, and Mexico faught each other, and Mexico won. -
Battle Of San Jacinto
Was the battle Texas won their independence -
Nat Turner Revolt
Led a band of 80 slaves 4 plantations. Was caught, and hung. -
U.S Annexes Texas
Texas became their own state. -
Nexican War
James Polk urged the war. They wanted the southwest. -
CA Gold Rush
Gold was discovered, and the 49er's rushed to Cali. -
Fugitive Slave Law
This made it easier to catch run away slaves. Many Northeners refused to this law. -
Missouri Compromise
divided Lousianna purchase at 36'30. North was free, South was slave. -
Compromise Of 1850
CA enetered as a free state. Southwestern decided on their own. -
Reservation System
Indians were forced off their lands, and put on reservations. -
Uncle Toms Cabin
A book by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which potrayed the evils of slavery. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Reapealed Missouri compromise line. Allowed popular soverignty, which meant you can choose. -
Seneca Falls Convention
First womans rights convention led by, Elizabeth Cady Staton -
Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott sued for freedom after being taken to free territory. But was denied. -
Election Of 1860
Main issues was slavery, and a reoublican Abraham Licoln won. -
Battle Of Fort Sumter
Was in South Carolina, but remained under the union. -
Emancipation Proclimation
Freed slaves in rebelling states. -
Battle of Gettysburg
It was a 3 day battle, and Lee push the North into Pensylvania. Also was the turning point of the war. -
Battle Of Antietam
Lee went North, and was confederate, and lost. Licoln then established the emancipation proclimation. -
Battle Of Vicksburg
Was in Mississippi, and Grant won. -
Gettysburg Adress
Short speech by Liconl, and was dedicated to the dead soliders. -
The South was ruined, everything was burned down. The North was strong, and was drowing as an economy. -
Liconlns Assassination
John Wilkes Booth shot Liconln shortly after the war. -
Appomatax Court House
Lee surrendered, and urged Southerners to accept surrender, and go back as one. -
13th Admendment
Abolished slavery -
15th Admendment
Allowed slaves to vote. -
Reconstruction Act Of 1867
This put the South under military occupation. -
14th Admendment
Gave slaves citzenship. -
Election Of 1867
Hayes was Republican, and TIlden was Democratic. Disputed election results -
Jim Crow Laws
Started segregation between whites and black in public. -
Homestead Act
Law that gave out 160 acres of free land to people, who had to live there for 5 years. -
American zfederation Of Labor
Founded by Samuel Gompers. They were only skilled workers, but from different companies. -
Pullman Strike
By pullman railroad workers. Started a ntionwide riot. -
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
Many Americans excluded the Chinese, and didn't favor them nor treat them nicely. -
Dawes Act
Goal was to Americanize the Idians. Legally abolished tribes as well. And broke up the reservations. -
American Railway Union
Railroad workers formed this, but the founder was Eugene V. Debs. -
Assimliation Policy
Plan for Indians to be forced to adopt american culture. -
Haymarket Square
Protest in Chicago. A bomb ended up going off by police, and 8 strikers were arrested. -
Knights Of Labor
Was a union formed by Uriah Stevens -
New immigrants
They came, and took over the jobs from the old immigrants. -
Progressive Movement
Goals was for the government to control the people, and guarenteed econmic opputrunities. -
Old Immigrants
These were the immigrants that came before newer ones cames along, and took the jobs. -
Homestead Strike
Took place at CArniege steel plant. Henry Frick was the plant manager, and called the cops. It turned out to be big gun battle. -
Plessy V. Ferguson 1896
Supreme Court said seperate but equal didn't viloate the 14th admendment. -
Spanish-American War
Cubans rebelled against Spanish rule, and U.S had buissess in Cuba which is why they entered. -
Treaty Of Paris
U.S annexed Purto Rico, Guam, and Philippinse. Cuba became free. -
17th Admendment
Allowed voters to elect senators. -
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Goal was to outlaw anticompetitive practices. -
Susan B. Anthony
Was a woman rights leader. And encouraged woman to join the war. -
19th Admendment
Allowed woman to vote. -
16th Admendment
allowed gov't. to levy income taxes. -
Federal Trade Commision Act
Put laws on trade. -
Immigration Resctricion Act
Limited the number of immigrants allowed in Austrilia. -
Platt Admendment
U.S asserted the right to interfer with Cuban affairs. -
Open Door Policy
By John Hay. Gave all nations trading rights in China, and called for fair copetition. -
Boxer Rebellion
Goal by the chinese to remove foreign influence. -
Roosevelt Corollary
Added to the monroe doctrine. And reminded Europe not to interfer. -
Panama Cnala
TR encouraged Panama to break from Colombua, which they did and gave the U.S the right to build a canal. -
Two sides: Allies and Centrals. Was in Europe. -
U.S enters WWI
Reasons were German submarine warafe, and sinking of the us ships. -
14 Points
Wilson's peace plan to stop all causes of war. -
Selective Service Act WWII
A part of the new deal that called men from the age of 18-35 to go to war if they were needed. -
Treaty Of Vaersaillies
Germany's punishment, which was war guilt cause, pay for repreations, and not having an army. -
18th Admendment
Banned alcohal. -
Harlem Renaissance
Explosuion of black culture -
Scopes Trial
When a teacher tried to teach evolution, knowing it was illegal, and was founded guilty. -
Great Migration
THe movement of African Americans from the south, to the Northern cities -
Dust Bowl
Horrible drought on the great plains. -
He was elected in 1928, and believed in rugged individualism, and was against direct government. -
The Great Depression
Was caused by stock markets crashing, and too many investments put into them, as well as banks failing, and productiong stopping. -
Black Tuesday
This was the name given to the day the stock market crashed. -
Thousands of banks failed, and millions lost their savings. -
Was elected 1932, and proposed a new deal to the US. -
This program insures bank depostits, and regulates banks. -
Social Security Act
This gave money to the disabled, and unemployed families to help them out. -
New Deal
Was proposed by FDR, to deal with the depression. He came up with different programs in order to go through with this plan. Many helping out workers, and the unemployed. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
This set maximum work hours, and wages so that people wouldn't become over worked. -
Wagner Act
Protected workers rights to form unions, and do collective barganing. -
Non- Agression Pact
When Germany and Soviet Union promised not to attack each other. -
War in Europe begins
Hitler gained more power and decided to attack Europe, which caused war, -
Germany invades Russie
Germany goes against non-agression pact, and decides to invade Russia causing tension with other counries. -
Pearl Harbor
Japan attacked pearl harbor, causing the U.S to enter WW2. -
U.S delcares war
After Japan attacked the U.S pearl harbor they then delcared war against themm. -
Korematsu v. U.S
When the U.S put the Japense into detention camps, and the court had to decide it if was unconstituional. -
Miracle Of Midway
When Japan plannedto lur the U.S air craft into a trap, and defeat them but the U.S found out their plan. -
Divsion of Germany
East Germany became communists, and West was under U.S, Bristish, and French occupation -
Cold War
The war after WWII when Europe, and Germant split up, and u.S occupies Japan -
The day allied forces invaded Northern France, in order to defeat Hitler. -
Battle Of The Buldge
When Garmeny surpised attack the allied forces, but U.S still defeated them. -
Marshall Plan
A plan from the U.S to spend money on war supplies, and needs for the war -
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
A couple that were killed for being spies in the U.S for the soviets -
V-E Day
The day Europe gained their victory. -
Hiroshima A-Bomb
In the final stages of the war, U.S bomb Japan cities, and they were nuclear bombs. -
Nagasaki A-Bomb
3 days after Horshima, the U.S bombed here, and left Germany alone to fight by themself. -
Nuremburg Trials
Trials held for the German soliders that helped kill jews, but only 9 were hang, and others killed themselfs. -
Berlin Airlift
A system where the U.S would fly in supplies to West Berlin when the Soviets blackaded it. -
This was the North Atlantic alliance. Main goal was to rpevent the spread of communism -
Warsaw Pact
Alliance between soviet union and eastern eurpoean countries. They wanted to widen the spread of communism -
Korean War
Divided Korea, north became communists, and south was democratic. -
Communists take over China
Soveit Union turn, and take over China, making them communists as well -
Elections: 1952-1956. Wanted to nuke the soviets to end the war completely. -
First space launch made by the soviets -
U2 Incident
Powers was shot down while spying on the Soviets. -
Vietnam War
North Vietnam tried installing a communist governent in South VIetnam by force. Causing the two to go to war. -
Elected in 1960, and made agreements to try to limit the use of bombs, or nuclear weapons. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
soviets stationed nuclear weapons and cuba, but JFK ordered for them to be removed. -
Berlin Wall
Between east, and west berlin to stop people from esacping -
JFK Assassination
In Dallas TX, by OSwald. -
Nixon's Presidency
He pledged to bring the war to an honorable end, and he came up with a policy called vietnamization 2hich withdre U.S troops in South Vietnam. -
Election of 1968
Johnson dind't seek reelection because he was tired of the division in the U.S due to war, so Nixon won. -
Nixon in China
Nixon vistied communist China. He was exploting the rift between China, and Soviet. -
Watergate Scandal
5 men from Nixon's campaign got caught breaking into Democratic Campaign Headquarters. The white house tried covering it up. -
Temporary thaw in COld War tension. -
Moscow Summit
Nixon met with soviet leader, Brezhnew and signed a SALT I treaty that limisted talks, and limited production of nukes. -
ENd of Vietnnam War
South Vientnam fell to North Vietnam because they couldn't stop them, and the U.S troops fell back. -
When oil prices raised due to enegery crisis. -
Panama Canal Treaty
Carter gave control of the Panama Canal to Panama -
Carter's Presidency
He worsened the economy, and has a peace talk for Egypt and Isreal, and he gives Panama control of the Panama Canal. -
Camp David Accords
Peace talk between Egypt and Israel. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
52 Americans were taken hostage in Iran. -
Reagean's Berlin Wall Speech
"Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall." -
Reagan's Presidency
He put in large tax cuts, fewer social programs, less business regulations, and conservative appointments. He aslo promoted pratiotism. -
Fall of Berlin Wall
Germany became reuinted after the wall fell, and war finally ended. -
Soviet Union Collapse
Collapsed into Russia, and 14 other countried, and also adopted capitalistic, and democracy. -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Prevented any buissness structure that restrained trade. And the goal was to outlaw trusts.