Period: to
William McKinley
25th President
Vice Presidents: Garret Hobart and Theodore Roosevelt
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legislation Passed: Dingley Act(rates on wool, linen, silk, and china were raised); Gold Standard Act(made gold the only standard for the back up of paper money)
Major US Events: Cuban Revolution (1895): Spanish-American War (1898): McKinley is assassinated (1901) -
Period: to
Theodore Roosevelt
26th President
Vice President: Charles Fairbanks
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Fought trusts; Increased influence overseas
Major US Events: advancements in train service; Industrial Workers of the World -
Period: to
William Howard Taft
27th President
Vice President: James Sherman
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Continued progressive reforms; Promoted "dollar diplomacy" to expand foriegn investments
Major US Events: Titanic sinks, New Mexico and Arizona are admitted as states -
Period: to
Woodrow Wilson
27th President
Vice President: Thomas Marshall
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Proposed league of nations; Federal Trade Comission and Reserve System
Major US Events: Woman's Suffrage ammendment ratified; World War 1 -
Period: to
Warren G. Harding
29th President
Vice President: Calvin Coollidge
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Teapot Dome Scandal(bribery incident with oil); Created the Budget Bureau
Major US Events: Mine workers go on strike; the second Klu Klux Klan grows -
Period: to
Calvin Coollidge
30th President
Vice President: Charles Dawes
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Indian Citizenship Act (1924)(made Indians citizens) : Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)(states could not use war to solve disputes)
Major Events: Hitler publishes 'Mein Kampf''; worst tornado in US history -
Period: to
Herbert C. Hoover
31st President
Vice President: Charles Curtis
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Good Neighbor Policy(non-interaction and non-interference in domestic affairs in Latin America); Agricultural Adjustment Act(restricted agricultural production)
Major US Events: Great Depression begins; "Star Spangled Banner" becomes the national anthem -
Period: to
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd President
Vice Presidents: John Garner, Henry Wallace, Harry S. Truman
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legislation: Housing Act of 1937(government gave subsides to local public housing agencies); Fair Labor Standards Act(established minimum wage)
Major US Events: Pearl Harbor; the declaration of the United Nations is signed -
Period: to
Harry S. Truman
33rd President
Vice President: Alben Barkley
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Authorized use of the Atomic Bomb; signed Marshall plan to rebuild Europe
Major Events: George VI of England dies; US explodes the first thermonuclear bomb -
Period: to
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President
Vice President: Richard M. Nixon
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Promoted bussiness; Eisenhower Doctrine(made it so that a country could ask the US for assisstance or finicial aid); 22nd Ammendment
Major US Events: Racial problems arise; tests the first Hydrogen bomb -
Period: to
John F. Kennedy
35th President
Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: 24th Ammendment; Banned the poll tax
Major US Events: breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba; Kennedy assassination -
Period: to
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th President
Vice President: Hubert Humphrey
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Voting Rights Act (1965)(made discriminatory voting acts illegal); Immigration Act of 1965(got rid of the National Origins Formula); Public Broadcasting Act(set up public broadcasting)
Major US Events: Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested; Medicare begins -
Period: to
Richard M. Nixon
37th President
Vice Presidents: Spiro Agnew and Gerald R. Ford
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Foreign policy with Soviet Union and China; Watergate Affair
Major US Events: US troops invade Cambodia; US trade embargo against China ends -
Period: to
Gerald R. Ford
38th President
Vice President: Nelson Rockefeller
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: pardoned Nixon; Equal Rights Ammendment; Tax Reduction Act of 1975(provided a 10% rebate on tax liability)
Major US Events: death sentence is ruled constitutionally acceptable; first woman priest is ordained -
Period: to
James E. Carter
39th President
Vice President: Walter E. Mondale
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Airline Deregulation Act(remove government control over aviation); assissed in mediating the Camp David Accords
Major US Events: apprves the Panama Canal; Nuclear power plant accident -
Period: to
Ronald W. Reagan
40th President
Vice President: George H. W. Bush
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Deficit Reduction Act of 1984(reduced taxes); Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (1982)(changed how taxes were collected)
Major US Events: Pope John Paul II was wounded by a gunman; the Challenger space shuttle was a success -
Period: to
George H. W. Bush
41st President
Vice President: J. Danforth Quayle
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: brought together United Nations; Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)(outlaws discrimination to those with disabilities)
Major Events: End of the Persian Gulf War; US lifts trade sactions from China -
Period: to
William J. Clinton
42nd President
Vice President: Albert Gore Jr.
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)(gave employees job-protected and unpaid leave for medical or family issues); Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act(1993)(changed the way taxes were distributed)
Major US Events: US sends forces to Persian Gulf; World Trade Center Bombing -
Period: to
George W. Bush
43rd President
Vice President: Richard Cheney
Political Party: Republican
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: No Child Left Behind Act(program for disadvataged students); Energy Policy Act (2005) (reserve petroleum)
Major US Events: Gay marriage becomes accpeted; US war in Iraq continues -
Period: to
Barrack Obama
44th President
Vice President: Joe Biden
Political Party: Democrat
Major Laws/Legslation Passed: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act(amends the CIvil Rights Act of 1964); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(attempt for economic stimulus)
Major US Events: Feredal recognition of same sex marriage; huge US deficit