us involvement time line

By VH5150
  • the start

    the start
    a bomb was throw at alto sarajevo in Bosnia but missed undaunted he was shot shortly after that this effected US because it led into ww1
  • Brittan and France declares war!

    Brittan and France declares war!
    Britain/France declares war on Austria-Hungary. Serbia is invaded by Austria Hungary. This effects the U.S. because France and Britain are our allies.
  • German U boat Sinks Lusitania

    German U boat Sinks Lusitania
    German u boat sink Lusitania sinks in 18 minutes and drowning 1,201 persons, including 128 Americans. President Woodrow Wilson subsequently sends four diplomatic protests to Germany.
  • Re-elect Wilson

    Re-elect Wilson
    Re-elect Wilson who said "He kept us out of war".
  • Germany Tries to alliance with Mexico

    Germany Tries to alliance with Mexico
    The British intercept a telegram sent by Alfred Zimmermann in the German Foreign Office to Mexico to alliance with Germany. The Americans find out and they want to go to war because they were having problems with Mexico already.
  • U.S.A. V.S. Germany

    U.S.A. V.S. Germany
    U.S.A. declared war on Germany
  • American troops in France.

    American troops in France.
    The First American troops land in France
  • The Sedition Act of 1918.

    The Sedition Act of 1918.
    United states congress passes the sedition act.
  • Ending WW1

    Ending WW1
    an armistice was signed between the Germans and the Allies, ending World War I.
  • officially ending world war 1

    The Versailles Peace Treaty, signed on June 28, 1919, officially ended World War I.