U.S. involvement in vietnam

  • vietnam declares independance

    vietnam declares independance
    when japan formally surrendured to the allies vietnam declared its independence Ho Chi Minh made the announcement
  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    vietnam launched a surprise attack on a large french military base
  • Buddhist protest of Diem policies

    Buddhist protest of Diem policies
    buddhist munks were protesting the coruption and brulaty of Diem regime
  • Gulf of Tonkin resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin resolution
    North vietnamese boats fired on a U.S. ship, causing little damage 2 days later false reports of a 2nd attack promted the united states to launch air stricks against north vietnam
  • Debate on vietnam: Argument from hawks

    Debate on vietnam: Argument from hawks
    Hawks were LBJs political advisors who favored exspanding U.S. involvement in vietnam one of their arguments was the domino theory if vietnam falls to communism so does its boarding countries
  • Debate on vietnam: Argument from Doves

    Debate on vietnam: Argument from Doves
    the doves were also LBJs advisers that wanted to take a less violent action twords vietnam they pointed out the case of Korea where U.S. troops faught and achieved little too costly
  • first U.S. combat troops land in vietnam

    first U.S. combat troops land in vietnam
    3,500 marines waded shore at a beach near Da Nang, south vietnam
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    2 representatives of france and the viet minh begin talks in Gevena the day after the french loss at Dien Bien Phu
  • operation starlite

    operation starlite
    the first major assult by u.s. ground troops
  • U.S. military aid to french indochia

    U.S. military aid to french indochia
    the U.S. wanted france to complete independance in vietnam