
US Imperialism Timeline

By TayRae
  • Venezuela Border Dispute

    Venezuela Border Dispute
    The Venezuela government protested alleged British encroachment on Venezuelan territory.
  • Sinking of the USS Maine

    Sinking of the USS Maine
    The sinking of the USS Maine had a major impact on the nations. Many blamed Spain and the US was in distress.
  • Alfred T Mahan "The Importance of Sea Power"

    Alfred T Mahan "The Importance of Sea Power"
    Alfred T. Mahan was influential in helping to build-up naval defenses before World War I. The U.S.S. Mahan was made in his honor.
  • Overthrow of Queen Lilikoulani

    Overthrow of Queen Lilikoulani
    Hawaii's monarchy was overthrown by businessmen and sugar planters. Hawaii later became the 50th state in the US territory.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The USS Maine exploded in the Havana Harbor in Cuba. There was many propaganda in the Yellow Journalism.
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    This was a reply to President William McKinley's War. This was a joint resolution of the United States Congress.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    The US wanted a naval base in Hawaii. After 1840, Americans and Europeans dominated political and economic life. In 1890 the United States eliminates the sugar tariff.
  • Annexation of Samoan Islands

    Annexation of Samoan Islands
    The Samoan islands were at one part controlled by the Germany government. They were then later taken over by New Zealand during World War 1.
  • Insular Cases

    Insular Cases
    This was a series of opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court. This case was about the status of U.S. territories acquired in the Spanish–American War.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    The Platt Amendment gave seven conditions for the withdrawal of United States troops that were still in Cuba at the end of the Spanish–American War, and an eighth condition that Cuba sign a treaty accepting these seven conditions.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    This was a very violent rebellion with those that lived in that area. The Allies had a victory with this rebellion.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    This added on to the Monroe Doctrine. The Corollary gave the United States the police power needed to interfere in the Western Hemisphere when needed.
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    This was a popular nickname for the United States Navy battle fleet. United States Navy battle fleet
  • "Scramble for Africa"

    "Scramble for Africa"
    This was multiple things involving the African territory by European powers during the Imperialism time period. This was also called Partition of Africa and the Conquest of Africa.
  • Building of the Panama Canal

    Building of the Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal is 48 mi in length and took 10 years to build. Later the Panamanian government took control of the canal.
  • De Lome Letter

    De Lome Letter
    This was written Spanish Ambassador to the United States. The writer, Enrique Dupuy de Lôme, called the president weak.
  • Rough Riders Charge up San Juan Hill

    Rough Riders Charge up San Juan Hill
    This was the greatest win for the Rough Riders. Not to long after, Teddy Roosevelt became president.
  • Treaty of Paris (1898)

    Treaty of Paris (1898)
    This was an agreement that involved Spain and Cuba. A lot was discussed during this time.
  • Foraker Act

    Foraker Act
    United States federal law that established civilian government on the island of Puerto Rico. This recently became possession of the United States.