U.S Imperialism in the Philippines

By gdavis
  • Period: May 19, 1542 to

    The Spanish have control of the Philippines

    The Spanish have control over the Phillippines until 1901 when
    the Americans attack the Spanish and take control of the land.
  • Jose Rizal publishes an anti-Spanish novel

    Jose Rizal publishes an anti-Spanish novel
    Noil Me Tangere (The Lost Eden) popularizes the independence sentiment.
  • Spanish execute Rizal

    Spanish execute Rizal
    Spanish execute Rizal for instigating insurrection; public outrage spawns a rebellion.
  • Period: to

    Colonization of the Philippines by the US

    United States wanted the Philippines to be a US colony and make them Americans.
  • The U.S. attacks a Spanish Fleet in Manila Harbor

    The U.S. attacks a Spanish Fleet in Manila Harbor
    Commodore George Dewey attacks Manila Harbor where he faces
    the Spanish naval presence. 12 hours later the spanish surrendered their naval base in Manila Harbor as 10 of their ships
    lay destroyed.
    Fun Fact- Only 1 American soldier was killed.
  • Period: to

    The Philippine-American War

    The Filipinos fight the Americans for independence from America so they can become their own nation.
  • Insurrection Ends

    Insurrection Ends
    Taft improves economic conditions, settles disputes over church ownership of land, establishes pensionado program, allowing Filipinos to study in the U.S., which helped modernize and westernize the country.
  • The U.S. passes The Jones Law

    The U.S. passes The Jones Law
    The Jones Law establishes elected Filipino legislature with the house and the senate.
  • A plebiscite approves the establishment of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.

    A plebiscite approves the establishment of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.
    Manul Ouezon is the first president. The Philippines is promised full independence within 10 years.
  • U.S. gives The Philippines their freedom

    U.S. gives The Philippines their freedom
    Manuel Roxas y Acuna is elected as the first president of the new republic.
  • Peace Treaty is Signed with Japan

    Peace Treaty is Signed with Japan
    Philippines eventually recieves $800m in reparations payments.