US imperialism

  • The purchase of Alaska

    The purchase of Alaska, or Seward’s folly, was the first time the US began to expand to lands not connected to the rest of the states. It began additional venture to acquire lands and also Alaska’s vast natural resources allowed America to make money and become stronger as a nation. 410
  • The Influence of Seapower on History by Alfred Mahan

    This was a book about how naval power was the key to becoming a strong nation. Mahan argued that you needed a navy to compete for foreign markets in order to become a world power. This book influenced people, like Teddy Roosevelt to seek imperial expansion. The book influenced America’s direction as it prompted future imperial movement. His arguments were also used to convince congress to fund a steel navy and expansion. 411
  • US intervention in a British land dispute with Venezuela

    British Guiana and Venezuela had a border dispute and the US came in and demanded that Britain had it arbitrated. The US said that it was willing to use force if the British didn’t comply and so they did. This situation gained the appreciation of some south American countries and it also established Britain as a friend and not a foe, and these two things together gave America more leeway in its imperial actions. 412
  • Yellow journalism

    Leading up to the Spanish American War, sensationalized reporting ran rampant. The papers told false or exaggerated stories to inflame the public. It succeeded in this and it resulted in people egging congress to go to war in Cuba for humanitarian reasons. This type of journalism prompted the action which would be the peak of american imperialism. 413
  • Spanish American War

    The US warred Spain in Cuba and the Philippines. The US was able to flex its new naval force and was able to win handily. This event was a culmination of a lot of events leading up to this imperialism. The US would go on to use Cuba and the Philippines but to not admit them in the union. 414
  • Hawaii annexation

    White settlers had alread overthrown the queen but the US wasnt sure if it should imperialize the pacific island. The US then decided to do so and Hawaii would become an important colony because of its sugar production and other resources. It gave the US a foothold in the Pacific. The US acquired a tropical island unlike any of its other holdings. 414
  • Platt Amendment

    The US agreed to remove tripa from Cuba only if they signed the Platt amendment. It granted Cuba independence so long as the US had the right to interfere to protect their independence, they couldnt sign deals with other countries, and they had to leave Guantanamo Bay as a US base. This adjusted the forms US imperialism came in. Although it meant the US wouldnt own as much land, it showed the economic and political imperialism of the US. 416