US Imperialism

  • U.S. Intervention in Chile

    U.S. Intervention in Chile
    US Ultimatum: Diplomatic relations with Chile will stop unless Chilean Prince is withdrawn.
  • US Possesion of Puerto Rico

    US Possesion of Puerto Rico
    US gains resources from Puerto Rico, as well as a successful naval port. Economic and military gain.
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    US troops influence life. Politically trying to maintan peace.
    Platt Amendment.
    Troops withdrawn in 1902
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    US (under McKinley) helps overthrow Spanish rulers in Phillipines, only to take over the country themselves. Under the notion of social darwinism, McKinely sought to educate and "Christianize" the natives. A three year war followed. Military presence remained in Phillipines until its independence in 1946. Last of military troops left in 1992.
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    Open Door Policy in China

    Secretary of State John Hay proposed a free, open market and equal trading oppurtunity for merchants of all nationalities operating in China. This provided economic equality for all parties trading with China.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Anti forgein movement attacking missionaries and Chinese Christians. Rebellion backed by Empress Dowager Cixi. Violent rebellion almost seized Bejing.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    Platt Amendment: US can intercede and take part in Cuban relations in order to keep peace.
  • Colombia

    Military, Colombia refused to make the Panama Canal, so the US separated Colombia and Panama, set up the Republic of Panama, and built the canal
  • Panama

    Why? Shorter Trade route---saves millions in oil costs of shipping
    Cost: $40,000,000, Annual cost of $250,000
    Sickness: In 1906, of the 26,000 people working on the canal, more than 21,000 had been hospitalized for malaria at some time during their employment. Fumigation was applied later in 1906, and eradicated malaria for the rest of the construction.
    Death: Approximately 20,000 people died on construction from malaria or workplace aaccidents.
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    Russo Japanese War

    President Roosevelt was a peace mediator to help end the war in the Treaty of Portsmouth. The US intervened because they wanted good trade with Japan. Japan ended up with control of Korea and South Manchuria,
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    Dominican Republic

    US runs and manages customs agency in Dominican Republic to help pay of their debts to Europe
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    Cuba: Second Intervention

    Politically, after this time the US remained tangled in Cuban politics.
    After a revolt in Cuba and the threatened destruction of US land, the US intervened in Cuba. A compromise was made keeping their political power stable without any fighting or bloodshed.
    Taft, and later Charles Magoon, named provisional governor of Cuba. Magoon helped to rebuild Cuba's economy and build a stronger military.
    Magoon and US left Cuba in 1909 after elections for government werre made.
  • Cuba

    Cuban president Jose Miguel Gomez versus revolt let by negro Cubans. They wanted equality because they helped to fight for independence. US sent naval protection for US people in Cuba. Revolt and US involvement quickly ended after the death of Gomez in battle.
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    U.S. and Mexico fought for control in Latin America, specifically Nicaragua.
    U.S. ousts Nicaraguan dictator Zelaya, but cannot find a popular democratic replacement.
    Nicaragua complies to U.S. implemented government in order to recieve recognition.
    Concerned about preserving stability in Nicaragua, the U.S. kept a small detachment of 100 marines in Nicaragua until 1925. This causes Nicaraguan nationalism (the strategy baisically backfires) and U.S. Nicaraguan relations remain shaky.
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    During the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917), the United States ordered two military incursions into Mexico. Wilson believed Mexico could not protect intrests of U.S. Attacks on U.S. soil in New Mexico in 1916 pressured Wilson to reenter Mexico. After a new president, Carranza, was democratically elected, U.S. Mexixan relations stabled.
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    President Woodrow Wilson sent the United States Marines into Haiti to restore order and maintain political and economic stability in the Caribbean after the assassination of the Haitian President in July of 1915.
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    Dominican Republic

    Political: US takes complete control of government after it collapses
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    Economic: American soldiers sent to protect the sugar and mining properties in Cuba
    Political: Wanted to set up "moralization" in the government when they left, hoped their leaving would help the cause
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    Nicaraguan Civil War; In April 1927, the United States sent Henry L. Stimson to mediate the civil war.