US immogration 1780 present day

  • Period: to

    US immigration

  • The Naturalization Act

    The Naturalization Act
    reduced residency requirments from 14 to 5
  • Anti-Coolie-Act

    put special tax for those who hired chinese workers
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    provided people with land to 160 acers
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    gave voting rights to all citizens
  • Naturalization Act (1870)

    Naturalization Act (1870)
    expands citizenship to whites and african americans but not Chinese
  • Chinese exculsion act

    Chinese exculsion act
    Prevents chinese to immagrate to the US
  • Immigration Act of 1882

    Immigration Act of 1882
    Gave tax for landing in certain places and gave categories for people who couldn’t be citizens
  • Alien contract labor law

    Alien contract labor law
    prevents any company or individual to bring an immigrant to the US to work
  • Geary Act

    Geary Act
    extends chinese exclusion act for 10 years and requires chinese residents to carry a permit
  • Chinese exclusion act (1902)

    Chinese exclusion act (1902)
  • Naturalization act of 1906

    Naturalization act of 1906
    have to know english to become a citizen
  • Expatriation act

    Expatriation act
    if american women marries immigrant, she loses citizenship
  • California's alien land law

    California's alien land law
    Prevents those who can’t have citizenship from owning land in state
  • Immigration act of 1917

    Immigration act of 1917
    restricts immigratnes from asia
  • Jones-Shafroth act

    Jones-Shafroth act
    grants US citizenship to Puerto Ricans
  • Emergency quota act

    Emergency quota act
    restricts immigration from a given country to 3
  • Cable act

    Cable act
    takes away expatriation act, but if women marries asian she still loses citizenship
  • Immigration act of 1924

    Immigration act of 1924
    limits European immigration to 2%
  • Oriental exclusion act

    Oriental exclusion act
    prohibits immigrants from asia
  • Tydings-Mcduffe act

    Tydings-Mcduffe act
    grants Philippines independence
  • Alien Registration act

    Alien Registration act
    requires fingerprints of immigrants over age 14
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    Immigration and Nationality Act
    eliminated race as a bar to immigration
  • Hart celler act

    Hart celler act
    abolished national origins quotas
  • Refugee act

    Refugee act
    removes refugees as a preference category
  • Immigration act of 1990

    Immigration act of 1990
    Limited unskilled workers to 10,000/ year
  • 2001- USA Patriot act

    2001- USA Patriot act
    To greaten the search for aliens ineligible for admission