Us immigration policy

  • European Wave

    70 percent of immigrants to the United States came from Great Britain, Germany and Ireland.
  • Chinese Immigrants

    About 200 thousand Chinese came to the United States and were recruited for construction crews for the transcontinental railroad.
  • Southern and Eastern European Wave

    The majority of newcomers come from southern/eastern Europe especially from Italy, Austria-Hungary and Russia.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act
  • American Census

    The census revealed that the unbroken frontier of the American West had been filled in.
  • New York Immigrants

    4 out of 5 New Yorkers were born abroad or were the children of immigrants.
  • National Origins Act

    Limits the annual immigration quota of each European nationality to 2 percent of its proportion in the US population in 1890.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    Replaced old quotas with a set of 7 preference categories, enacted during a period of robust economic growth.
  • Immigration Wave in the United States

    Immigrants beganto enter the US in the largest amounts in half a century.
  • Immigration Act

    Raised the limit of annual admissions from 290,000 to 675,000 immigrants in the United States.