us hitsory 1492-1890

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus first voyage

    Christopher Columbus first voyage
    Christopher Columbus gets permission from Queen Elizibeth the first to sail on three ships named the Nina,Pinta, and the Santa Maria to find a passage westward to find the Indies
  • Apr 2, 1513

    Ponce De Leon discovery

    Ponce De Leon discovery
    On this date Ponce De Leon travels to America and discovers and Names Florida.
  • the foundiong of jamestown

    the foundiong of jamestown
    This was the 1st area found in the u.s. The founding of this settlement was the beginning of the creation of the u.s.
  • the marriage

    the marriage
    this is the date when John Rolfe and Pocahontas get married and this brought Tobacco to the colony of Jamestown.
  • the first reppresntative assembly

    the first reppresntative assembly
    this is the date the house of burgesses debuted and this helped establish the government we have today.
  • the founding of Plymouth

    the founding of Plymouth
    When they settled in Plymouth they established the Mayflower Compact which helped establish a government and legal structure
  • the first thanksgiving

    the first thanksgiving
    this was the day the indians and the pilgrims settled their in a feast known as thanksgiving and to this daywe celebrate it.
  • the colony

    the colony
    this was the day that a catholic colony was established which helped establish different cultures to this day
  • the lighting rod is made

    the lighting rod is made
    this is the date Benjamin Franklin builds the Lightning Rod this helps attract Lighting away from the structure of buildings
  • sugar act

    this is the date when they put a tax on sugar ,this is one of the causes of the American Revolution
  • the boston masacre

    this was the day the british fire at a mob of Americans this was the first of the American Revolution
  • boston tea party resolution

    since the result of the boston tea party the British Parliment tshutdown the port of Boston this made the colonist even angrier
  • common sense

    on this day a famous writer named Thomas Paine wrote a Phamplet that was called "Common Sense" it's famous because he's expressing that they should be aa free nation.
  • the day of independence

    this is the day the declaration of independence was signed this gave America independence from the europeans
  • the articles of confederation

    this is the day the aricles of confederations were founded it's important because this helped make the bill of rights
  • the end

    john adams gets france to ssign a peace traty to end the war between france and america
  • constitutional convention

    this date at the constitutional convention the constitution was adopted this was another important documet in America's history