Trench Warfare
Trench warfare had it all. Bad conditions, fear of attack, and short bursts of combat. Opposing trenches could be less that 100 feet apart. Twice a day at dawn and at dusk soldiers would step up on the "fire step" and stand rady for combat for hours. There was disease, lice, water, and mud. "No Man's Land" is the space between the two opposing trenches. -
Assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand
Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were both shot on June 28, 1914. Serbian military officers stood behind the attack. This would later become one of the leading causes for WWI. -
German U-boats Attacking the French Ships
Spetember 5, 1914, HMS Pathfinder was sunk by SM U-21, this was the first ship sunk by German u-boats. The u-boats were submarines that the Germans used to attack other ships with. The french used pasenger ships to transport war goods, in hopes that the Germans would not sink the ships because padestrians were aboard. This lead to the U-boats attacking every ship that came into the "war zone". Where US got caught in the cross fire. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
The sinking of the Lusitania was caused by the German U-boats' torpedo. The torpedo cause one explosion in the ship, later another explosion occured but it was of a different origin. Out of the 1,959 passengers 198 people died, 128 of which were American. In 2008 exploration of the Lusitania's debris we found thousands of bullets (raised question as to if this was the cause of the second explosion). -
Sussex Pledge
The sussex pledge was made by the Germans to the Americans because the German u-boats were sinking American ships without any warning. The pledge made it so that the Germans would not sink any ships without warning. The sinking of the Lusitania brought apon this pledge. Wilson demanded that also come with this pledge be a reporation for the families of the 128 dead from the Lusitania sinking. Later the Germans soon resume the u-boat sinkings. -
1916 Presidential Election
The Presidential election in 1916 is the closest election the U.S has ever had. I was a 3% margin that President Woodrow Wilson won. -
Zimmermann Telegram
The Zimmermann telegram was a telegram sent to Mexico from Germany. The telegram offered U.S territory to Mexico if they joined Germans cause. The Telegram was intercepted by the British but the British waited until February to unform the U.S. This telegram helped move the U.S towards war. -
Declaration of War Against Germany
In April of 1917 Woodrow wilson asks for declaration of war against Germany. The reson for the war is that the Germans disregarded the sussex pledge and sank 5 American ships. "The world be made safer for democracy" -Woodrow Wilson -
Selective Service Act
The selective service act made it so you could be involountarily enlisted in the army. They would give you a card with a number on it and throw a card with the exact number in a bowl. They would then draw a number, if the number was yours then you were enlisted. -
American Expeditionary Force
The American Expeditionary force had two million men when they crossed the atlantic. However they did not go into combat until the spring of 1918 because Comander Pershing thought that the troops needed more training. -
Military Training
Basics took eight weeks to complete. IQ tests were given to recruites to determine who was officer material. The IQ test was biased towards white Americans. The training included drills, discipline, and combat tactics. -
Seperate Peace Signing (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk)
This signing was between Germany and Russia. The treaty ended Russia's involvment in WWI. -
Armistice Between the Allies and Germany
This signing was an agreement to stop all fighting the WWI. This marked a victory for the allies. All though the treaty ended the fighting it took 6 months of negotiations to conclude the treaty. -
Treaty of Versailles
This treaty completly ended WWI. Signed at the palace of Versailles in France.