original pledge of allegiance
-bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country
-the phrase "to the flag of the united states of america" was added to the pledge of allegiance in 1923 so it could be specific of U.S
-the phrase "under god" wasn't added to our pledge allegiance until 1954 in response to threat of communism -
Langston Hughes
-it was a harlem renaissance artist . he wrote the poem to revolve the importance of roots & the way they provide meaning in life
-it influenced the value of the african race during the renaissance act -
father of naval aviation
-glenn curtis was the 1st to drive a plane with an engine in 1902
-in 1908 he designed a sea plane that could land on water
-landed his "hydroplane" in a naval aviation
-convinced the secretary of the navy to buy the 1st aircraft
-in 1912 he developed a larger flying boat
-constructed the 1st airplane to cross the atlantic ocean for the us navy -
Social Darwinism
-Haves were rich people or people that had power
-if you were poor or not educated then it means that they dont deserve to have money or power
and they were a have not
-concept behind social darwinism was racism money and power
-what social classes owe to each other was a pamphlet by william graham about solving social problems created in 1883-1903 -
Red scare
-Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners
-many americans were scared of the communists because the communist have over thrown russia in 1917 and mudered them
-a series of bomb explosions in 1919 including an attempt on mitchell palmer , lead to campaign against the communist
-Palmer raids caused a mass arrests . palmer violated peoples civil rights palmer lead groups of people searching for communists
-No communist were discovered lives were ruined due to the raids -
Harlem Renaissance
-the great migration led to the relocation of more than 6 million african americans from the rural south to the cities of the north , Midwest and west from 1916 to 1970
-the jim crow laws lead to a mass migration from south to places like NY, Chicago because the african americans wanted to get away from the jim crow laws and the racism in the south
-Mass migration of african americans from the south during WW1 which had helped fill new yorks industrial needs -
Transitional Immigration
-Most European immigrants came to escape war, and for better economic opportunities
-In the late 1800 to early 1900 the attitude towards immigrants was bad as well as ill mannered
-Marcus Garvey created the back to africa movement
-"keep america for Americans " was used on a large scale for anti-immigrants -
Henry Ford
-When manufacture first adopted their assembly line to their production process they often achieved dramatic gains in productivity
-ford was producing 1.6 million cars a year at a pace of less than 300 per car
-the growth in automobile ownership , from 8 to 24 million , greatly affected all aspect of american life
-ford payed his workers $5 an hour so they could affored the model T they built -
19th Amendent (Womens Suffrage)
-Women around the country had been fighting for the right to vote for over 300 years
-women started voting in government elections and becoming in the political system -
-Marcus Mosiah Garvey
-the members pledged themselves to do all in their power to conserve the rights of their noble race and to respect the rights of all man kind believing always in the brotherhood of man and fatherhood of god
-North and the frustrations of struggling to cope with urban life set the scene for garvey's back to africa movement
-he went to jamaica and was kicked out of the us
-he wanted the people to come back to liberia which was a movement "back to africa" -
-Marcus mosiah garvey
-the members pledge themselves to do all in their power converse the rights of their noble race & to respect the rights of all mankind believing always in the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of god
-North and the frustrations of struggling to cope with urban life st the scene for garveys back to africa movement
-He went to jamaica and was kicked out of the US
-he wanted the people to come to liberia which was a movement "back-to-africa" -
Emergency Quota Act WW2
-restricted immigrants into the us
-the reason for passing the act was that the flood of immigration in recent years had negative wage effects on native ban americans
- following WW1 both europe and US were suffering economic and social upheaval
-The russian revolution and the dissolution of both austria hungarian empire and ottoman empire led to greated immigration to the US -
National Origins Formula
-Restricted immigration on the basis of existing proportion of the population .It aimed to reduce the overall number of unskilled immigrant and prevent immigration from changing the ethnic distribution of the population -
Teapot Dome Scandal
-Albert B fall, a close friends of various oil executives, managed to get reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department
-Fall secretly , leased the land two private oil companies including henry sinclairs mammoth oil company
-Fall received more than 400,000 in "BANS BONDS AND CASH"
-he was found guilty of bribery and became the 1st american to be convicted of a felony
-fall & harding were close friends during this event it hurt presidents harding to not be re-elected -
Period: to
-a Dislike of foreigns
-the red scare which had anachist bombings the sacco & Vanzetti case
-migration of african americans from south to the northern cities increased racial tensions with KKK
-during red scare anarchist targetted judges ploiticians law enforcement officials 2 foreiners sentenced to death for robbery and kkk targetted african americans dans lynchings and new foreneirs using the emergency qouta act to scare others -
Charles Lindbergh/solo transatlantic flight
-charles lindbergh & the spirit of St. louis completed the first non stop flight, from new york to paris in 1927
-The purpose plane had been named the "spirit of St. louis" the pilot was to be "charles A. Lindbergh"
-henry ford made a trimurti airplane in 1926 translating flights by charles lindbergh & amelia farhort helped to promote cargo and commercial instruments -
First solo transattantic Fight
-Name of the pilot was Charles Lindberg
-Name of the plane was the spirit of St. Louis
- Start of this flight was roosevelt field NY to land at La Bourget airport near paris
-He changed public opinion on the value of air travel and laid the foundation for the future development of aviation -
"FATS" waller
-Area of influenced the area of music jazz music originated from african american communities of new orleans in the U.S. during 19th and early 20th century jazz music allows an individual musician to expires themselves on their instruments -
-Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetics quality of human population
-the gov under theodore roosevelt created a national heredity commission that was charged to investigate the genetics heritage of country and to encourage the increase of families of good blood and discouraged the vicious elements in the cross-bed american civilization
-Hitler believed that the Aryan people which came from eugenics were destined to rule the world -
Duke of Ellington
-ellington was influenced to the harlem reniassance he was in fact a musician jazz music also swing music
-ellington was known for being a american composer , pianist , and band leader of jazz orchestra
-he influenced both black and white people with his music because music doesnt have a race (cotton club) was where duke played it was a club for african ameican music but only white people were allowed